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品种鉴定对保证种子质量具有重要作用。Varietal identification is important to ensure the seed quality.

中度酒体,口感悠长,收结雅致,柔软。Great varietal length on the mid-palate and finishing with a classy , soft.

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对某些品种资源进行了辩考和分析。Some of the varietal resources are discriminated and analysed in the paper.

具有典型的梅洛葡萄特有的香料、薄荷的清香及成熟的李子浓郁果味。It has the spicy, minty varietal Merlot edge over a core of ripe plum fruit.

散发着优质葡萄品种特有的红莓、薄荷芬芳及精致的辛香。Classic varietal nose, red summer berry fruit with notes of mint and delicate spice.

辛西亚纳是北美最古老的土著在今天的商业栽培品种。Cynthiana is the oldest native North American varietal in commercial cultivation today.

柔和典型的莎当妮散发着诱人的香气,且有着结实、完整的酸度。Delicate, typical varietal bouquet of exotic fruits with firm, well-integrated acidity.

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这款非凡的葡萄酒集中体现了阿根廷上等葡萄酒的特点。This unequal varietal perfectly summarizes the style of Argentine wines of high quality.

歌海娜,美乐,赤霞珠以及佳丽酿,是属于法国南部的经典葡萄酒。Grenache, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Carignan, a typical varietal from Southern France.

葡萄品种特有的柚子、柑橘花及一丝黑醋栗的芬芳十分突出。Intense varietal aromas with dominant characters of grapefruit, citrus blooms and apricots.

随着其他斯文森品种,它是在美国北部的重要品种。Along with other Swensen varieties, it is an important varietal in the northern United States.

由赤霞珠和品丽珠葡萄酿造而成的,是一种年轻的酒,又带有多彩多姿的特点。Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc grapes vinified to obtain a young wine with varietal character.

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枝上广泛种植在阿根廷那里,它是被用来制作非常受欢迎的品种葡萄酒。The vine is widely planted in Argentina where it is being used to produce very popular varietal wines.

比较中性株的R哈勃望远镜保有清新口感和品种特性而特约机构。A relatively neutral strain, R-HST retains fresh varietal character while contributing body and mouthfeel.

这款酒使用了现代的酿酒技术,符合时下消费者的口味。It is a trendy grape varietal vinified with modern techniques and created for the current consumers' taste.

祖母绿宝石的种子公司有广泛的经验和专业知识,在种子生产和品种的发展。Emerald Emerald Seed Company has extensive experience and expertise in seed production and varietal development.

果香馥郁,有明显的树莓和李子的果味,伴有些许橡木的芳香。On the nose has a powerful and distinctive varietal aromas of raspberry fruit, plums and a hint of oak flavours.

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本省区域试验一般采用的稳定性介量多以最受广泛使用的直线迴归分析法为主。Linear regression analysis is the most common and useful method to assess the varietal stability in a regional trial.

甘薯品种主要性状研究是甘薯新品种选育、推广的重要理论基础。Studies on the main characters of sweet potatos is the important theoretic foundation of the varietal breeding and popularization.

辛索是一种芬芳而淡雅的葡萄品种。用辛索酿制的这款桃红葡萄酒呈淡粉色,散发着石榴和鲜葡萄汁的芳香。Cinsault is a light and aromatic varietal. With its soft pink colour, this rosé reveals aromas ofpomegranate and fresh grape juice.