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美洲野牛在一个温泉附近吃草。Bison graze near a hot spring.

我将利用低洼地放牧。I shall graze the bottom field.

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山坡上有羊群和牛群在吃草。Sheep and cattle graze on the hillsides.

牛羊骏马在这里怡然自得。Cattle, sheep and horses graze leisurely.

你应放牧你的羊群到河的这岸。You should graze your flock on this side.

羊多草缺,所以麦地里没有杂草。The sheep usually graze in the grass land.

我看到一只蝴蝶擦着窗飞过去。I saw a butterfly graze against the window.

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为什么牛不在紫杉附近吃草?Why should cattle not graze near yew trees?

我会穿着破洞的球鞋,擦伤我的双膝。I'd wear holes on my trainers, and graze up my knees.

不要又要马儿跑,又要马儿不吃草。Don't expect the horse to run fast but not let it graze.

成群的奶牛在小树林里吃沟边的草。Cows graze in droves on grass that grows on grooves in groves.

我还记得我曾站在后门口看牛群吃草。I remember standing at that back door and watching cows graze.

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在小树林中,母牛吃在沟槽中生长的小草。Cows graze in groves on grass which grows in grooves in groves.

一群群绵羊和山羊在非种植季节的时候在牧场吃草。Heards of sheep and goats graze the meadows outside the season.

如果将山羊随意放牧到任意位置,那么山羊会吃得更好。If you let your goat graze in the commons, your goat eats better.

在它穿过草地的当儿,我可以看到它是一只黑狼。They prefer it out in the meadow , where they can get a graze on.

他们半夜里偷偷潜入公园,让他们的牲畜进来吃草。They sneak into the park late at night to let their cattle graze.

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成群的奶牛在小树林里吃沟边的草。Cows graze in droves on the grass that grows on grooves in groves.

三只驼马在秘鲁的南美大草原的草丛中吃草。Three vicuñas graze in tall grass in Peru's Pampa Galeras Reserve.

在巴西的潘塔纳尔稀树草原上,生活着一种体态较大的美洲驼鸟。Greater rheas graze in the tall savanna grass of Brazil's Pantanal.