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他母亲名叫拿玛,是亚扪人。His mother's name was Naamah the Ammonite.

耶弗他又打发使者去见亚扪人的王Jephthah sent back messengers to the Ammonite king

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应该完善保护古生物化石及地质遗迹的刑事立法,切实保护古生物化石与地质遗迹。So, we should perfect the criminal law to protect ammonite res fossil and geologic trace solidly.

长着这样牙齿的鲨鱼,会试图吃掉鹦鹉螺,美餐一顿的理论,乍一看有点古怪。That a shark with teeth like this would try to make a meal of an ammonite is, at first sight, odd.

古生物化石与地质遗迹保护对于可持续发展具有重要意义。The protection of Ammonite res fossil and geologic trace is of great significance for attainable development.

在古生物学家尼尔·兰德曼的办公室中,几乎每一块可被利用的空间都摆满了装着菊石化石的托盘。Nearly every available surface in paleontologist Neil Landman's office is covered with trays of ammonite fossils.

一些鹦鹉螺化石上有牙印,看上去仿佛是巨大爬虫类捕食者比如沧龙留下的。Some ammonite fossils have tooth marks that look as though they were made by huge reptilian predators called mosasaurs.

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除此之外,被古生物学家委婉地形容成粪化石的粪便化石中也找到了古鹦鹉螺的壳。On top of that, coprolites, as palaeontologists politely describe fossil faeces, have turned up with ammonite shells in them.

背叛他的是亚扪妇人示米押的儿子撒拔和摩押妇人示米利的儿子约萨拔。Those who conspired against him were Zabad, son of Shimeath an Ammonite woman, and Jehozabad, son of Shimrith a Moabite woman.

与古生代相比,双壳类和菊石类也多属新发展的种类,菊石多具有复杂的纹饰和菊石式缝合线。Compared with the Paleozoic, bivalves and are also many new types of development, ammonite is more complex decoration and chrysanthemum stone-suture.

对比扫罗面对歌利亚和他在第11章面对亚扪人的王拿辖时的反应。扫罗发生了甚麽变化?我又能从他的改变中学到甚麽?Contrast Saul's response to Goliath to Saul's response to Nahash the Ammonite in chapter 11. What happened to Saul? What can I learn from this change?

发现的鹦鹉螺是,一种叫Orthaspidoceras的生活在一亿五千五百万年前的生物,化石是由业余爱好者收藏的,他没有意识到他发现的化石的意义。The ammonite in question, Orthaspidoceras, a species that thrived 155m years ago, was part of the collection of an amateur who did not realise the significance of what he had found.

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耶和华使迦勒底军,亚兰军,摩押军,和亚扪人的军来攻击约雅敬,毁灭犹大,正如耶和华借他仆人众先知所说的。The Lord sent Babylonian, Aramean, Moabite and Ammonite raiders against him. He sent them to destroy Judah, in accordance with the word of the Lord proclaimed by his servants the prophets.