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他闻到了她身上的一股香水味。He caught a whiff of her perfume.

牙科医师又给她喷射了气雾麻醉药。The dentist gave her another whiff of anaesthetic.

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可是当他们出舱的时候,一股难闻的气味熏得她几乎呕吐。They opened the hatch. She got a whiff. She puked.

这家旅馆的房间里有股蟑螂的味道。The rooms in this hotel savour of a whiff of roach.

当她走过时,我闻到了她身上的香水味。As she walked past, I caught a whiff of her perfume.

小幅度的通货膨胀对于股市也是有好处的。Good for the stock market, too, a whiff of inflation.

如果疲倦,闻上一点丁香油将令人清醒。If tired, smell a whiff of clove oil and it will wake you up.

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我的手指今天特别腥,不知道你想不想闻一下。My fingers are extra fishy today, if you care to take a whiff.

一个经验之谈就是闻一闻你想购买的东西。A good rule of thumb is to take a whiff of what you are buying.

你几乎不能捕捉到一丁点儿作者的自我意识。You almost never catch a whiff of authorial self-consciousness.

如果说这个主意有一点点失败之处的话,是呀,再闻一闻吧。If that idea has the whiff of failure about it, well, sniff again.

风把一股子奶酪的气味直吹向我们的骏马。There, the wind carried a whiff from the cheeses full on to our steed.

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在大脑中求爱的欲望就如同吹起的翻转风车。Just one whiff flips the switch on courtship-initiating brain pathways.

说句公道话,阿森纳在斯坦福桥的胜利还是有那么一点点争议的味道的。In fairness, Arsenal's win at Stamford Bridge had a whiff of controversy.

原来,一股汗味儿就能使青蛙变王子。Turns out, a whiff of sweat has the ability to turn a frog into a prince.

我们被提供了一点点美好,有些像是在伤口上撒盐。It's sort of adding insult to injury that that we're offered just a whiff.

大部分夫妇都开得起玩笑,即使是带着一点报复意味的玩笑。Most couples can take the joke, even when it carries the whiff of revenge.

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或者试着去吸一口我们周围植物的清新的气息吗?Or tried take a whiff of any of the vegetation that surrounds us everyday?

一点不真诚的气息我们都将会否认整个事情。The slightest whiff of insincerity and we quickly discount the whole thing.

虽然你身上喷了古龙水,但我还是能隐约闻到一股人渣味儿。Although you wear some cologne, I can still vaguely smell ascummy whiff out of you.