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二十,三十Twenty, thirty?

她三十岁左右。She’s about thirty.

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李伟现在三十岁。Li Wei is thirty now.

三十张摺椅。Thirty folding chairs.

他们统共有三十人。They were thirty in all.

百分之三十的水是脏的。Thirty of water is dirty.

我想她大概有三十岁了吧。I guess she’s about thirty.

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她顶多有三十岁…She is not more than thirty.

谢谢。我很渴啊。Thank you. I am very thirty.

它包含三十个用例。It contains thirty use cases.

再过三年她满三十岁。She is three years off thirty.

三十英亩田种了小麦。Thirty acres are sown to wheat.

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三十辐共一毂,当其无,有车之用。Thirty spokes converge on a hub

你得每周付给我十美元饭钱。I paid thirty yuan for the book.

我们每年休假30天。Our annual leave is thirty days.

三十加六等于三十六。Thirty plus six equals thirty-six.

牛三万六千只。And thirty and six thousand beeves.

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上星期我们为一部车预付了定金。We left thirty pounds for a deposit.

巴利米纳,离贝尔法斯特30英里远。Ballymena. Thirty miles from Belfast.

大约摄氏三十度。It's about thirty degrees centigrade.