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一个加拿大的炼油厂。An oil refinery in Canada.

他们建起了一座榨糖厂。They built a sugar refinery.

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她在一家制糖厂工作。She works in a sugar refinery.

他们飞过一个看上去上个精炼厂的建筑。They fly over what looks like a small refinery.

英力士在传统是由提炼业务中占有很大比例。Ineos has a large traditional refinery business.

这个炼钢厂有多少镕铁炉?How many cupolas are there in the steel refinery?

石油通过输油管输送到炼油厂。The oil is carried to the oil refinery by pipelines.

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中俄联合炼油厂将于下半年开工建设。Sino-Russian crude oil refinery to start construction.

炼厂气价值较低的应用是用作产生轴功率。A lower value use of refinery gas is to generate shaft power.

最后给出了在兰州炼油化工总厂应用的实例。Finally, a case study in Lanzhou Refinery is brought forward.

放下完成的电厂并建造另一个精炼厂。Place down the finished Power Plant and que another Refinery.

提高重质油深加工是炼油厂挖潜增效的重要途径。Deep processing of heavy oil is an important route in refinery.

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NMT是炼油厂极有价值的辛烷值改进剂。The NMT is a very worthy octane value of oil refinery to improve.

这就对中海油炼化惠州公司提出了一个必须解决的课题。Huizhou refinery project put forward a topic that must be addressed.

介绍了食品级硫磺的开发。The development of food-grade sulphur in Shengli Refinery is presented.

一名幸存者说,袭击的目标是拉斯拉努夫炼油厂各个大门。A survivor said the attack targeted the gates of the Ras Lanuf refinery.

在你的主矿区放下完成的精炼厂制造另一个精炼厂。Place the finished Refinery on your main field and que another Refinery.

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她说“精炼厂一直在向空气中排放苯。”“The refinery was just hemorrhaging benzene into the atmosphere, ” she says.

对炼油厂冷换设备管束的腐蚀、结垢原因进行分析。The reason of refinery cooling equipment corrosion and begriming was analyzed.

他将之归咎于炼铝厂的烟尘和红色泥浆池塘的出现。He blames dust and smoke from the refinery and the presence of the red mud pond.