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她的部队被加姆·贝尔·伊布利斯将军击退。Her forces were repulsed by General Garm Bel Iblis.

贝尔·伊布利斯对蒙·莫思玛的权力和影响力很警觉。Bel Iblis was wary of Mon Mothma's power and influence.

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于是,塞娜建议汉·索洛邀请贝尔·伊布利斯回归组织。Sena instead suggested Han Solo invite Bel Iblis back into the fold.

加姆·贝尔·伊布利斯一直象征着科雷利亚人强烈的独立精神。Garm Bel Iblis has long embodied the spirit of fierce Corellian independence.

在帕尔帕廷巩固他的新秩序时,贝尔·伊布利斯是他最早要清理的目标之一。As Palpatine consolidated his New Order, Bel Iblis was one of his earliest targets.

阿赫告诉加姆·贝尔·伊布利斯议员,奥加纳发现了死星计划。Aach informed Senator Garm Bel Iblis of Organa's discovery of the Death Star project.

贝尔·伊布利斯带领他的私人军队向帝国发动了一系列小规模袭击。Bel Iblis led his own private army and launched a number of minor attacks against the Empire.

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当帝国输掉恩多战役后,贝尔·伊布利斯和他的部队仍然躲在暗处。After the Empire was defeated at the Battle of Endor, Bel Iblis and his forces continued hiding.

在共和国最后的日子里,德高望重的贝尔·伊布利斯在议会中代表科雷利亚。In the final days of the Republic, the well-respected Bel Iblis represented Corellia in the Senate.

索龙元帅败退后,贝尔·伊布利斯继续在新共和国高层发挥重要作用。Upon Grand Admiral Thrawn's defeat, Bel Iblis stayed a prominent fixture in the New Republic hierarchy.

帝国在恩多战役中惨败后,加姆·贝尔·伊布利斯顽固地等着他的预言成真。After the defeat of the Empire at the Battle of Endor, Garm Bel Iblis stubbornly waited to be proven right.

莫思玛冷漠地解除了贝尔·伊布利斯的职务,告诉他义军同盟再也不需要他的支持了。Mothma coolly dismissed Bel Iblis from the operation, and informed him that the Rebel Alliance would no longer need his support.

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在索龙危机期间,当新共和国代表向他求援时,贝尔·伊布利斯同意让自己的部队投入新共和国的事业。During the Thrawn crisis, when New Republic representatives approached him for his help, Bel Iblis agreed to commit his forces to the New Republic cause.

索龙在围困科洛桑期间,狡猾地利用隐形小行星阻止星际飞船在轨道上往来。贝尔·伊布利斯坐镇首都。During Thrawn's siege of Coruscant, which cunningly employed cloaked asteroids to cut off orbital starship operations, Bel Iblis was stationed on the capital.

在分离主义危机期间,贝尔·伊布利斯没有让科雷利亚参加建军法案的投票,而是实行孤立主义政策,防止科雷利亚卷入不可避免的冲突。During the Separatist crisis, Bel Iblis removed Corellia from the Military Creation Act vote, and enacted a policy of isolationism to protect Corellia from the inevitable conflict.