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整个加沙地带的网站战争同样毫不留情。The online war over Gaza was relentless.

公开交易是个无情的反馈环。Open trades are a relentless feedback loop.

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泪顺着那无情的雨一起滴落。Tear down the relentless rain drops together.

北朝鲜则徘徊附近的持续威胁。And North Korea hovers as a relentless threat.

对于时事的沉迷是冷酷的。The obsession with current events is relentless.

你的职业动机始终如一并且坚持不懈。Your career motivation is constant and relentless.

交付压力是常见的、也是无情的。The pressure to deliver is constant and relentless.

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他用他坚硬无比的牙齿,来来回回的钜著。With his relentless teeth, he worked back and forth.

一听到病友曾经卖过血,毫不留情面的进行数落。I hear people who have sold blood to face relentless chatter.

他咄咄逼人地强迫你了解他的看法。His relentless aggression bludgeons you into seeing his point.

愧疚和悲伤如此沉重。And I felt the relentless heaviness of guilt mingled with grief.

恒久不变和无情的变化都无益于创造。Neither constancy nor relentless change will support a creation.

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但现在她需要欧洲来帮助她战胜无情的衰退。Now, it seemed, she needed Europe to reverse a relentless decline.

经历了时间无情的嬗变,生命曾经变得坚韧吗?Experienced relentless evolution of time, life has become tough do?

在血腥的殛毙和无情的挞伐中,他踏尸前行。The bloodshed, the relentless battles had finally brought him here.

鳗鱼重返大海子宫的努力百折不挠。Eels are relentless in their effort to return to their oceanic womb.

他把阿甘的傻耿直都凌厉精致的表现出来了。He put the forrest's silly upright are relentless delicate shows up.

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生命决不只是存在,它是仍然存在,它是持续的生生不息。Life is never just being. It is a becoming, a relentless flowing on.

面对无休止的清剿,哈立德想出了一个对付的策略。With the relentless eradication, Khalid has come up with a strategy.

以目的为中心、积极自动,不懈地寻求成效。Goal-orientation and Pro-activity with a relentless focus on results.