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小岗村几乎算是一个图腾。Xiaogang has an almost totemic significance.

像位于赫尔曼德省北部的穆萨卡拉这样的地区便具有典型色彩。Places like Musa Qala, in northern Helmand, are totemic.

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当然,在这一点,你们会认出图腾餐食的向度。In this, of course, you will recognise the dimension of the totemic meal.

一个用充满元素力量来制造攻击的图腾战士。A totemic warrior who strikes foes with weapons imbued with elemental power.

一年前,中印结对的图景就占据了西方的媒体。Ayear ago, the totemic pairing of China and India dominated the Westernpress.

再次,蛙在中国一些地方也是一种生殖崇拜的图腾。Thirdly, frogs are known for their fertility and thus are totemic animals in certain areas of China.

在保罗的概念里,英雄就是宪法——代表国父们的图腾象征。In Paul's narrative, the hero is theConstitution -- a totemic symbol representing the Founding Fathers.

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图腾般的再融资利率被保持在零以上,这样可能被视为避免通货膨胀率提高的必要之举。Keeping the totemic refi rate above zero may be seen as necessary to prevent inflation expectations from drifting up.

对撒满来说,图腾的释放对职业而言是很重要的一部分,很自然的就能将其制作成任务的一部分。For shamans, since totemic casting is such a big part of who they are, it was natural to make that a part of their quest.

他们还引证了类似的人物形象,如肯特郡的图腾马神亨吉斯特与霍萨,二者后来均被赋予了历史意义。They cite parallels with figures such as the Kentish totemic horse-gods Hengest and Horsa, who later became historicised.

就连自由民主党都已经推迟了当初力挺的取消学费的计划,理由是财政赤字严重。Even the Lib Dems have postponed their once- totemic plans to scrap fees altogether, citing the parlous state of public finances.

贝雷帽作为法国历史的图腾发源于比利牛斯山深处的一个小镇—Nay。The historical roots of one of France's most totemic objects, the beret, lie in the small town of Nay, deep in the Pyrenees Mountain range.

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这就是克劳德、列文、史特劳斯跟我们显示是图腾功用的真理。这个功用化简它的外表—原初分类的功用。This is the function that Claude Levi-Strauss shows us to be the truth of the totemic function, and which reduces its appearance—the primary classificatory function.

这些功能和内涵主要表现为实用与审美装饰、原始巫术、动物崇拜和图腾崇拜等方面。Such functions and contexts were mainly revealed in purposes of practical usages, artistic decoration, primitive witchcrafts, animal worships, and totemic worships, etc.

今天的手机手机已成为一种时尚图腾,手机用户通过订制手机服务、装饰手机或给手机美容的方式来反映自己的个性和品位。The mobile phone itself has also become a totemic and fashion object, with users decorating, customizing, and accessorizing their mobile phones to reflect their personality.

我们以食人仪式和图腾崇拜仪式来分别展现人性中那些非常隐秘和复杂的一面,也由此彰显社会对个体的约束和规整。We have exposed the secrets and complexities of human nature in cannibalistic and totemic rites and the restrictions and domestications that have been imposed on individuals by the society.

他是史上将佛教思想体系结合在当代西方油画艺术中的第一人,李导师已被封为图腾能量油画的「先驱」。The first to ever incorporate such an integration of Buddhist ideologies with contemporary western art in oil painting, Master Lee has been dubbed the " Pioneer of Totemic Energy Oil Painting."

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王的大型雕塑,毛睁一眼闭一眼的全身像,是展出最有争议的部分,在两周的展览期间每天吸引了4000到7000名参观者。Wang's large, totemic figure of Mao, with one eye open and one eye shut, was the most controversial piece in the show, which drew between 4,000 and 7,000 visitors a day during its two-week run.

一个终极科学家怎么会看上去像是被炼金术这种图腾伪科学所迷惑,而对这种伪学科最常见的描述是把铅变成黄金的欲望?How could the ultimate scientist have been seemingly hornswoggled by a totemic psuedoscience like alchemy, which in its commonest rendering is described as the desire to transform lead into gold?