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摄影师是谁啊?Who's the cameraman?

格来格。奥登是个摄影师。Greg Olden was a cameraman.

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摄影师降下镜头拍摄全景The cameraman panned down the camera.

甚至摄影师也这么觉得。这太荒谬了,or even the cameraman. It's ridiculous,

一个好的摄影师会理解这个故事,a good cameraman would understand the story

摄像师和记者都是帮凶!The cameraman and reporter are accomplices to this.

当然在纪录片里,你需要一个好的摄影师And of course in documentary, you need a good cameraman

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我曾经有一个从事纪录片摄影师工作的邻居。I had a neighbor who worked as a documentary cameraman.

电视台摄影师在拍摄乌里韦在床上作运动。Cameraman Don Friedell films Manuel Uribe exercising in his bed.

电视台摄影师在拍摄乌�韦在床上作运动。Cameraman Don Friedell films Manuel Uribe exercising in his bed.

我既是记者、制作人、编辑、摄影,又是新闻车司机。I was the reporter, producer, editor, cameraman and news-van driver.

那个摄影记者和几名飞行员被零式飞机打倒两次。The cameraman and numerous pilots are gunned down by the Zeros twice.

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但是摄影师非常害怕,所以只能另一位特技演员拿着摄影机在他身后拍摄。The cameraman was too scared, so a stuntman took the camera with him.

我想一个好的摄影师和普通的摄影师之间的差别是,The difference, I think, between a good and a normal cameraman is that

影相师是个很不错的职司,能够通常和先锋打交道。The cameraman is a good work, They can often make contact with fashion.

我们的摄影师拍了一个遇难女孩的特写镜头。Our cameraman filmed a close-up shot of the hand of a girl who had died.

摄影师和录音师在匹兹堡的最后一天遭到了持枪劫掠。The cameraman and sound recordist were mugged on their last day in Pittsburgh.

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发生的另一件事是那个摄像的男人,或女人,一直在继续拍摄。The other thing that happens is that the cameraman – or camerawoman – keep filming.

虽然这样,我还是如期而至,作为一支考察队的摄影师,回报是相当丰厚的。Still, I went, as a cameraman for an exploration team, and the rewards were handsome.

例如,你正在拍摄一些东西。你觉得摄影师特别帅。For example, maybe you have been filming something. And the cameraman is very handsome.