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棕色的胡茬爬满了他的面颊和下巴。Brown stubble covered his cheeks and chin.

爱是容忍他偶尔的胡茬。Love is putting up with his occasional stubble.

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他们正在烧掉地里的残茬。They are burning off the stubble in the fields.

他这几天打算清理地里的麦茬儿。He is going to clear away wheat stubble in the field.

是一块留茬田,黑雨正飘落其上。It is a stubble field, where a black rain is falling.

农民们正在把田里的庄稼残茬烧掉。The farmers are burning off the stubble from the fields.

小麦茬子堆在了田埂边上。He piled the wheat stubble along the ridge of the fields.

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硕大干瘪的下巴上满是黑黑的胡茬儿。A dark stubble was shrouding his strong jaw and dimpled chin.

硕大有凹陷的下巴上满是深色的短须。A dark stubble was shrouding his strong jaw and dimpled chin.

根据一份研究,留短胡须更能赢得女性的芳心。Stubble is the way to win a woman’s heart, a study has shown.

一轮巨大的月亮,从残梗之海的后面缓缓升起。A huge moon, coming slowly up from behind that sea of stubble.

你坐在庄稼茬子上要饿死了还是要渴死了?Are you dying of hunger and thirst as you sit there in stubble?

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为此,研制了ND-1.2型低割茬茎秆收割机以解决此类问题。ND-1.2 low stubble haulm reaping machine can solve the problem.

那浅褐色的皮肤在灰色的须根之下是坚实而清晰的。The light brown skin was firm and clear under the gray stubble.

甘蔗根茬破坏情况影响到宿根质量。The damage of stubble influences the quality of its biennial root.

茬口毛茸茸的,一看就知道是钝口的镰刀收割的。Stubble side was brushy , that resulted from blunt sickle's reaping.

看起来大概三十岁左右的样子,卷发,下巴上冒着金黄的胡渣。He looked about thirty, with wavy hair and blond stubble on his chin.

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他蹲在地上,剃着光头,满脸胡茬。He was a squatly man with a shaved head and black stubble on his face.

于是百姓散在埃及遍地,捡碎桔当做草。So the people scattered all over Egypt to gather stubble to use for straw.

提出了稻茬麦育种注意事项。The matter the attention of wheat breeding under rice stubble was reported.