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她向他投去意味深长的一笑。She cast him a significant smile.

看见这是个很大的一笔数。So these are significant numbers.

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避免伤害他人要记牢。Avoiding harm is more significant.

您认为这有何意义吗?What do you find that significant?

文之,是求显也。The text is also significant demand.

水本身是很有意义的。The water by itself was significant.

斜射的太阳光显得如此美妙。The slant of sun becomes significant.

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在印加人的生活中宗教十分重要。Religion was significant in Inca life.

个有效数应该绰绰有余了。Two significant digits is good enough.

他们欠了相当大的一笔债。They have a significant amount of debt.

由这个小数位引出的差距却是巨大的。The resulting difference is significant.

头发颜色的不一致有多么重要?How significant is hair-color dissonance?

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所以这是个很巨大的差异So, that's a very significant difference.

一定数量上的重要副本。A "significant" number of " duplications".

他说,最重要的硬通货就是黄金。The most significant hard currency is gold.

这是美国历史上的一个重大时刻。This is a significant moment in our history.

此份列表将着重阐述十种主要的真菌。This list looks at ten significant funguses.

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与你珍视的人分享一份圣代。Sharing a sundae with your significant other.

考察队的花费是有意义的。The costs of the expeditions are significant.

与你珍视的人分享一份圣代。Sharing a sundae with your significant other.