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事实上,一些属于OSF的公司积极的工作就是为了使ANDF不成功。In fact, some companies who were members of the OSF actively worked to ensure that ANDF did not succeed.

表明在圆柱型基阵上最佳空间滤波器能够有效抑制多个干扰、完成弱信号检测。The analysis shows that the OSF can effectively suppress multiple interferences and extract weak signals.

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这说明,氮的掺入促进了晶体中满足OSF形核要求的原生氧沉淀的形成,使OSF形核区变大。It was suggested that the doped nitrogen could accelerate the formation of the nuclei of OSF and increase the area of OSF.

最后重点论述了配置WSF、配置OSF及配置中介功能EMF模块的具体实现方案。Finally lay strong emphasis on the realization plan of configuration WSF module, configuration OSF module and configuration EMF module.

因此,本研究结果发现,胶原蛋白的过度堆积与HDAC-2的过度表现及不易被其抑制剂抑制有关。Hence, the result suggests that over deposition of collagen maybe related to the over expression and hard to be repressed of HDAC-2 in the OSF.

利用真实舰船航行辐射噪声作为目标及干扰,正态分布高斯白噪声作为噪声背景,在基元等间隔线阵上实现了最佳空间滤波器。The realization of OSF in the case of real target radiated noise in the background of Gaussian white noise for equal spaced line array is illustrated.

主要的标淮有简单网络管理协议、公共管理信息、协议和开放系统基金会的分布管理环境。Key standards are the Simple Network Management Protocol, the Com-moon Management Information Protocol and the OSF distributed management environ-mint.

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结论长沙地区部分居民有咀嚼槟榔习惯,嚼槟榔者OSF患病率较高,应制定和实施干预措施。The prevalence of OSF is high among betel nut eaters, it is necessary to design and implement intervention program for betel nut eaters and OSF patients.

其主要病理改变为上皮萎缩、粘膜固有层、粘膜下层胶原堆积和微血管病变。The primary pathological change of OSF includes epithelium atrophia, collagen cumulated and micrangium processed in lamina propria and stratum submucosum.

本文通过分析与实证相结合的方式阐述了OSF训练法可以作为普通高校业余田径训练的一种新方法,并对该训练方法的优缺点和实践中应注意的问题等进行了初步分析。By combining analysis and solid evidence, the paper expounds that the training method of OSF can be a new method for extracurricular training in common higher institutions.