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那些四方形、没有品味的摊子出售糖果和香芋。Candy bars and cigarettes are sold from boxy tasteless kiosks.

我喜欢这种现代的方方正正的形状和大印花产生的对比。I love the contrast of the modern boxy shape with the large florals.

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矮小身材的,不要穿宽松的款式,低腰的牛仔裤最合适。For short torso, steer clear of boxy fits, low-waisted jeans are best.

詹森费蛇耳笨重的身躯拖着的四四方方的影子遮住了这堆寿丝。Jason Fisher's hulking form cast a boxy shadow over the rows of sushi.

随着心情越来越沉重,瓦尔多进入最终选择搬进他那靠近绿河附近的小平房里。With heavy heart, Waldo moved into a boxy little house in nearby Green River.

选一顶能让你的脸更有弧度的帽子,这种帽子能让你的脸看上去不那么四四方方的。Pick a hat that will add some curvature to your face and make it appear less boxy.

附近的一幢二层楼颤巍巍的倚在一根柱子上,像盒子式的火烈鸟。The second storey of a nearby house perches on a single pillar, like a boxy flamingo.

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其庞大的主体建筑极其简朴,表面是未上漆的灰色混凝土。Its huge boxy buildings are aggressively plain, finished with unpainted gray concrete.

许多页面元素都采用的是框式轮廓,因而这些变化会营造一些独特的对比效果。Most page elements have a boxy contour, so this variation will create some unique contrast.

他81年的Tahiti台灯,像一只有着长长黄色脖子和四四方方的红色喙的热带鸟类。His Tahiti lamp, from 1981, resembles a tropical bird with a long yellow neck and boxy red beak.

我的演出装备是四四方方的灰色套装,我要做的是,从一个桌子边走到另一个桌子边,假装在和其他特工说话。Outfitted for my role in a boxy gray suit, I walked from desk to desk, pretending to talk to fellow agents.

在原址上建造的共和宫,是1970年代苏联设计的铜钢四方形凯旋结构。Constructed in its place was the Palace of the Republic, abronze-and-steel triumph of boxy 1970s Soviet design.

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太阳镜的曲线将会弱化脸部的棱角。镜架下方过平的话会使脸颊看起来更方。Curved shapes will downplay the angles of this face shape. Frames that are flat along the bottom can look boxy.

十年后,由于大量的女性进入职场,限定她们着装的是套装,而不再是紧身束衣。A decade later, as women entered the workforce in droves, it was boxy suits, not bustiers, that defined their dress.

摩托罗拉园区在美国45号高速公路附近,有着茵茵草坪、整齐的停车场和四四方方的白色大楼。The Motorola campus, off of U.S. Highway 45, is a mix of grassy lawns, paved parking lots and white, boxy buildings.

今后,随着使用者将箱型的阴极射线管屏幕换成液晶平面显示屏,这个问题将日益突出。The problem is sure to expand over the coming years as users replace their boxy CRT monitors with LCD flat panel displays.

更新换代后,工程师们已经把桌面机大小的机器塞到了轻薄的便携机里。From one generation to the next, engineers have squeezed room-sized computers into boxy desktop machines into slim laptops.

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在硬件方面,它四四方方的形状变成PC兼容模式,而ISA总线取代老式的S-100总线成为标准。On the hardware side, its boxy design became the model for PC compatibles, and the ISA bus supplanted the old S-100 bus as standard.

在共振区域的星盘增厚许多,使得星系内部区域成为盒子状或花生状。The disk of stars thickened considerably in the region of resonance, giving the inner regions of the galaxy a boxy or a peanut shape.

便利店遍布每个角落,要么是不起眼的夫妻杂货店,要么是亮堂堂的连锁便利店。Small convenience stores sit practically on every corner, either hole-in-the-wall mom-and-pop shops, or the bright, boxy chain store variety.