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午餐是我付的账。I bought the lunch.

午饭时间到了。Itrs time for lunch.

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和他们共进午餐。Meet them for lunch.

然后开始做午饭。Then he makes lunch.

让我们停下来吃午餐吧。Let's brek for lunch.

我回家吃中午饭。I came home for lunch.

我刚刚吃过午饭。I have jast had lunch.

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让我们边吃午饭边谈。Let's talk over lunch.

午饭快准备好了。Lunch is almost ready.

他们停止前进吃了顿午饭。They halted for lunch.

把午饭盛到一个盒子里。Bring a lunch in a box.

我很少在家吃午饭。I seldom lunch at home.

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我一会会吃中午饭。I will have lunch soon.

心灵鸡汤英文午餐我请你!Ill treat you to lunch.

邀请别人共进午餐。Invite people to lunch.

她匆匆吃了午餐。She made a hasty lunch.

我可以邀你共进午餐吗?Can I take you to lunch?

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现在是吃午饭的时间。It is tiam to eat lunch.

他们在哪儿吃中饭?Where do they eat lunch?

午饭的时候你有事吗?Doing anything for lunch?