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他坐在凌乱的床上,盯着房间里的迷你吧台。He sat down on his unmade bed and looked at the mini bar.

进了卧室,她坐在未整理的床铺上,喝着酒。In the bedroom she sat on the unmade bed and sipped the drink.

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没有成功是一蹴可及的,没有事情是可以不劳而获的。We can not succeed with only one step, or gain what we want with effort unmade.

即便只是寻求一种临时的联系,也不要出门仍旧穿着家居服。Even when seeking only a casual liaison, do not go out dressed like an unmade bed.

这是她42年来第一次不叠被子——而且没有发生任何糟糕的事情。She had left her bed unmade for the first time in 42 years—and nothing bad had happened.

不,过去只存在于睡眠引导器的黑色表面,存在于那空荡荡的壁橱,存在于那不曾整理的床。No, history was the black face of the delta-induce, the empty closet, and the unmade bed.

这儿有一条未经修筑的弯弯曲曲的道路,路两边排列着一些矮小的农舍。The place consisted of straggling unmade road which was lined on either side by small houses.

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这儿有一条未修筑的弯弯曲曲的道路,路两边排列着一些矮小的农舍。The place consisted of a strangling unmade road which was lined on either said by small houses.

这儿有一条未经修筑的弯弯曲曲的道路,路两边排列着一些矮小的农舍。The place consisted of a straggling unmade road which was lined on either side by small houses.

对于一个摇滚明星的后代来说,在凌乱的大床上半裸着身体可能是意料中的事。Hanging semi-naked halfway off an unmade bed is probably all par for the course for a rock star's offspring.

它怎么看怎么像坎贝尔汤的包装盒,或者像那位艺术家自己的那个不成形的床,那我们怎么知道它是艺术呢?And how can we know that it's art when it looks suspiciously like a Campbell's soup can or the artist's own unmade bed?

她果断地走了进来,用一种叫人心里难受的镇静态度望着整个屋子和那张散乱的床。She entered resolutely, staring, with a sort of assurance that made the heart bleed, at the whole room and the unmade bed.

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他的姐姐在乔治城的神经科学博士项目组工作,正是她告诉他有关于不叠被子的报告。His sister, who is in the neuroscience PhD program at Georgetown, is the one who funneled him the report about unmade beds.

我在还没铺好的床上坐了几分钟,心里盘算着我在费城这家最好的旅馆这些天的花费大概会是多少。I sat on the unmade bed for a minute or two, wondering just how much the tab was going to come to at Philadelphia's finest hotel.

这次她没有领他。哈利举起魔杖,侧身移到她和没整理的床铺之间,他不想让目光离开她。This time she did not lead him. Harry edged between her and the unmade bed, his wand raised. He did not want to look away from her.

打开附件,我看到了一篇讨论为什么睡在没叠被子的床上比睡在叠好了的床上更健康。Opening the attached document, I found an article discussing why sleeping in an unmade bed was healthier than sleeping in a made one.

他们将看到没能盖起来的房子、没能生产出来的汽车和洗衣机、没能做出来的礼服和外套、没能种出来和卖出去的粮食。They can see the unbuilt homes, the unmade cars and washing machines, the unmade dresses and coats, perhaps the ungrown and unsold foodstuffs.

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它还导制未建的私人家园,未制造的洗衣机和电冰箱,以及抹杀了的不计其数的其它商品和服务。It also results in unbuilt private homes, in unmade washing machines and refrigerators, and in lack of innumerable other commodities and services.

研究表明,当一床没有叠的被子看起来肮脏的时候,它依然无法吸引那些被认为会引发哮喘和过敏症的屋尘螨。Research suggests that while an unmade bed may look scruffy it is also unappealing to house dust mites thought to cause asthma and other allergies.

我关心那些没有写的信件,没有打的电话,没有进行的拜访——当我把精力放在网球比赛,工作以及交友上面时。I thought of all those letters unwritten, phone calls unmade , and visits forgotten, while I was stressing about tennis matches, homework, and friends.