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做个小气鬼。Be a cheapskate.

小气鬼不会真正的帮助任何人。Being a cheapskate never really helps anyone.

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一个臭名昭著的小气鬼决定举办一个聚会。The notorious cheapskate finally decided to have a party.

事实上,他过去是个吝啬鬼,不喜欢花钱。In fact, he was often a cheapskate. He did not like to spend money.

如果男人同意AA制,他看起来就像小气鬼。The man. If he agrees to share the check, he can seem like a cheapskate.

鬼,他们还期望我们和他们做生意呀?How can they expect us to do business with them after is such cheapskate?

我的朋友中,没有一个愿意和他一起玩,因为他就是个小气鬼!None of my friends want to go out with him because he's such a cheapskate.

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我知道我的儿子认为我很小气,因为我不给他买摩托车。I know my son thinks I'm a cheapskate because I won't buy him a motorcycle.

小气鬼,他们还期望我们和他们做生意呀?How can they expect us to do business with them after being such cheapskate?

胆小鬼往往自称心细,吝啬鬼往往自称节省。The sheep always say they are careful, the cheapskate always say they are scanty.

我是中国人,我同意你的看法。大部分中国人既小气又贪婪。I'm Chinese and I agree. With most Chinese, cheapskate and greedy go hand in hand.

我真的不明白,干嘛放那么多的炒饭,炒面,咖哩鸡和潮州粥?I don't understand, why they still put those cheapskate fried rice, fried noodles, curry chicken and TeowChew porridge?

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我弟弟迪克是一个很聪明、长得也很帅的小伙子,但因为他是个小气鬼。My brother Dick is a smart, good—looking guy. Butnone of my friends want to go out with him, because he'ssuch a cheapskate.

我的弟弟迪克是一个很聪明、很帅气的人。但是,我的朋友当中没有一个人愿意和他一起出去玩,因为他是个吝啬鬼。My brother Dick is a smart, good-looking guy. But none of my friends want to go out with him because he's such a cheapskate.

我的弟弟麦克是一个聪明帅气的人。但是,我的朋友当中没有一个人愿意和他一起出去玩,因为他是个吝啬鬼。My brother Mike is a smart, good-looking guy. But none of my friends want to go out with him because he's such a cheapskate.

灿烂,外边时不时地传来大人、孩子嬉戏的笑声,而我却仍在那幢陈旧黑暗的屋子里坐着,等候一个剥削童工的小商人的召见。The house was empty, and I sat out in his musty dark living room on a beautiful sunny Hawaiian day, waiting to talk to a cheapskate who exploited children.

被过高的晚餐账单困扰,无论是在此之前还是在此期间,要么你想被形容成一个不能尽情享受约会的庸人自扰者,要么就是一个吝啬鬼。Obsessing over the price of dinner, before, during, or afterward either paints you as a worrywart who isn't enjoying the date — or a cheapskate who isn't enjoying the date.