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研究了施用催娩克氏菌菌剂对长豇豆的影响。Effects of Klebsiella oxytoca on cowpea plant were studied.

该项目被称为“PICS”项目,即普渡大学改善豇豆储藏项目。The project is called PICS, for Purdue Improved Cowpea Storage.

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修长的豇豆,是难忘童年的缩影。The slender cowpea is a miniature of the unforgettable childhood.

这时他们拒绝了500箱,”陆金虎,一位海南豇豆交易商说。They then refused 500 boxes," Lu Jinhu, a Hainan cowpea dealer said.

这时他们拒绝了500箱,”陆金虎,一位海南豇豆交易商说。They then refused 500 boxes, " Lu Jinhu, a Hainan cowpea dealer said.

晒制豇豆丝已成为这里农村的一个特色。The sun-dried system cowpea silk has become here countryside a characteristic.

筛选出了一些对豇豆遗传育种有益的种质资源材料。Several germplasm resources which were beneficial to cowpea breeding, were selected.

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玉米底部周围种植的豇豆到处滋生着扁豆螟。The cowpea crop growing at the base of the maize plants was infested with pod borers.

我现在不做任何的豇豆生意了,因为没有人乐意买他们。"I'm not doing any cowpea business now, since no one's willing to buy them, " he said.

总体来说,各因子可能均对豇豆脆度有直接或间接的影响。Overall, these factors affected the crispness of pickled cowpea directly or indirectly.

其目的是让农民使用特制的袋子,使收获的豌豆与空气和虫子隔离。The aim is to get farmers to use special bags to keep air and bugs out of their cowpea harvests.

豇豆杂交育种按照传统的方法存在坐果率低的问题。Cowpea crossbreeding has the problem that fructify cation is low auording to the traditional method.

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豇豆中所含维生素C能促进抗体的合成,提高机体抗病毒的作用。Cowpea contained vitamin C can promote the synthesis of antibodies, anti-virus enhance the role of the body.

但是,不能取得粪肥的农场,最好的解决方法也许是高粱与豇豆的交替耕作。But on farms that cannot get fertilizer, the best solution may be the method of rotating sorghum with cowpea.

科学家建议的另一种方法是,在生长季节种植高粱,接着在下一季种植豇豆。Another method that scientists suggest is to plant sorghum during one growing season followed by cowpea the next.

在印第安那州普渡大学是运用视频,以促进非洲的一个项目叫做图片,普渡改进豇豆存储。Purdue University in Indiana is using videos to promote a project in Africa called PICS, Purdue Improved Cowpea Storage.

这些结果表明AOS代谢在豇豆与锈菌互作中起重要作用。These results indicated that metabolism of AOS played an important role in the interactions of cowpea and rust pathogen.

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科学家建议的另一种方法就是在生长季节间种植高梁,接着种植豇豆。Another method that the scientists suggest is to planting sorghum during one growing season, followed by cowpea the next.

迄今为止,人们已从大豆、豇豆、马铃薯、番茄、水稻等植物中提取出蛋白酶抑制剂,并测定了其中大部分植物来源的蛋白酶抑制剂基因序列。At present, PI in soyabean cowpea potato tomato and rice have been extracted and get most of gene sequence of PI from plant.

明确影响单株产量的重要因素,为美国无架豇豆栽培以及良种繁育提供参考。The component of yield per plant would provide the reference for American non-bracket cowpea cultivation and multiplication.