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本工作观察了白兰瓜雄花和两性花的发生和发育过程。The genesis and development of staminate flowers and the bisexual flowers of"Lanzhou melon"have been observed.

采用高效液相色谱法测定杜仲雄花茶在加工过程中总黄酮的含量变化。HPLC method was proposed to analyze the variation of total flavonoids content during processing of Eucommia staminate flower tea.

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采用高效液相色谱法测定杜仲雄花茶在加工过程中总黄酮的含量变化。A HPLC method was proposed to analyze the variation of total flavonoids content during processing of Eucommia staminate flower tea.

杜仲雌雄株树皮中的蛋白质含量变化趋势基本一致,但雄株发生变化的时间比雌株早。Even though the change pattern of protein content was similar, its occurrence is much earlier in staminate than in pistillate plants.

继续生长发育,雄花不开放,不开放的花蕾逐渐萎缩以至干枯,个别花朵虽然开放,但无有效花粉散出。As developing, staminate flower kept closure and folded and would get wilt gradually. Very few staminate flower may blossom but no effective pollen went out.

本研究对油松种子园内118个无性系的球果量、雄球花量及花粉量、花期同步性进行观测调查,并对数据进行方差分析、聚类和秩次排序处理。Observation and investigation had been done on strobile, staminate flowers and flower season of 118 clones in clonal seed orchard of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.

雄株则产生雄花和中性小花,中性小花专门供给传粉小蜂产卵繁殖后代。Female trees only produce staminate flowers and intermediate flowers, the latter are specially provided to pollinating fig wasps for their oviposition and proliferation.

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由于脊柱的花序继续伸长,不育株花卉胎死腹中男性和女性似乎零件,然后按正常的雄花败与卵巢。As the rachis of the inflorescence continues to elongate, sterile flowers with abortive male and female parts appear, followed by normal staminate ones with abortive ovaries.

结论蒲黄的质量明显优于草蒲黄,商品蒲黄需要综合从多方面对其进行质量控制。Conclusions Quality of Pollen Typhae is much better than that of Pollen with staminate flower. Quality control of Pollen Typhae in market should be done through various means.

运用离析法和显微照相技术,比较美国红梣雄株和雌株茎次生木质部导管分子的特征。The characteristics of vessel elements of secondary xylem in shoots of staminate and pistillate plants o Fraxinus pennsylvanica were studied by isolation method and micrography.