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他们把由失业救济金。They stuck by Dole.

我们是否了解鲍勃·杜尔?Would we know with Bob Dole?

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相反,多尔参议员大获全胜。By contrast, Senator Dole won big.

呼尔嗨哟,哪里人民得解放!Dole called Haiyo, where people liberated!

有些人多年来就是*政府救济生活的。Some people have gone on the dole for years.

呼尔嗨哟,他是人民大救星!Dole called Haiyo, he was a great emancipator!

马拉奇继续喝了他的杜尔钱。Malachy continues to drink away his dole money.

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值得称道的是,几年之后,多尔向我道了歉。To his credit, a few years later Dole apologized to me.

我看报导说她写第一本小说时靠领失业救济金过活。I read she was on the dole when she wrote the first book.

我很担忧,当我们放弃了这些公司的资助后会怎样。I worry about what we're giving up for the corporate dole.

不管你选召他、都乐是突然国王的山。Whatever you called him, Dole was suddenly king of the hill.

“小灵通”告诉我们这个消息,把我们大家都乐坏了。Exam "Small quick" to tell us the news, we all dole is broken.

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当尔不开心的时候,鹅心里有种说不出难受的滋味。When Dole is not happy, geese can not say there was bad taste.

这里列出的记录表明吉利根住在失业救济委员会的公寓里。Gilligan's listed here as living in a council flat on the dole.

靠救济金想存一些钱是很难的,但我决心已定。It is very difficult to save while on the dole but I am determined.

法国化学家、细菌学家路易·巴斯德生于多尔。Louis Pasteur, French chemist and bacteriologist, was born at Dole.

我在说之前我认真衡量了这件事的价值和潜在的可能。I weigh the value and potential of this nugget before I dole it out.

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对很多移民来说,相比于工作,失业救济金也是不错的选择。For too many immigrants the dole is an acceptable alternative to work.

1990年,多尔鼓励拜尔公开竞选堪萨斯州的众议员席位。In 1990, Dole encouraged Bair to run for an open House seat in Kansas.

我常觉得自己好像年纪大了,真希望鲍伯•多尔能一直陪伴着我。I feel like a goner sometimes, and I wish Bob Dole was with me all the time.