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真正的人生转折点可能要普通得多。The real milestones are less prepossessing.

清洁的衣服和良好的举止能给人以好感。Clean clothes and good manners are prepossessing.

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小屋外观的其他部分更赏心悦目。Other parts of the Hood's exterior are more prepossessing.

而自1月28日以来,工厂外的景象就不那么惹人欣喜了。Outside the plant from January 28th was a less prepossessing sight.

法兰克·柯帕乌这个时候的相貌,至少是讨人欢喜,令人满意的。Theappearance ofFrankCowperwoodatthis time was, to say theleast, prepossessing and satisfactory.

迪格比不像是一个很有魅力的人,当他们走到近前时,塔内特想着。Excerpts from Dead and GoneDigby didn't look a very prepossessing character, Thanet thought as they drew nearer.

为什么象他这么一个有出息的人,却会把这么一副好看的外表,埋没在这么一种奇怪的职业里呢?Why should such a promising being as this have hidden his prepossessing exterior by adopting that singular occupation?

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因而讨厌的家庭治疗就变成我的最早的家庭保健卫生的体验。Thus, unpleasant home remedies were my earliest experiences of healthcare, and I cannot say that they were exactly prepossessing.

他的头发和修得尖尖的络腮胡子泛着红褐色,头很圆,额头很宽很高,他说话时的表情很愉悦,真要形容的话,他的举止太迷人了。The head is well domed, and his brow broad and well raised. He has a pleasant expression in talking, and indeed his manner can be described as distinctly prepossessing.

因为我的家人无法承担恰当的药物治疗的昂贵费用,所以不愉快的家居补救就成了最初的保健经历,我实在是无法说我对它有好感。My family could rarely afford the luxury of proper medical treatment. Thus, unpleasant home remedies were my earliest experiences of healthcare, and I cannot say that they were exactly prepossessing.