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他们的一半在腹部上带着绿色的卵块。A half of them had roe on their bellies.

这些微小的基因种子被称作“鱼卵”。These tiny seeds of genes are called "roe."

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鲟鱼因其黑色的鱼卵而受到珍视。Sturgeons are prized for their blackish roe.

追逐着野鹿,跟踪着獐儿。Chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe.

是的,下一个是蟹黄豆腐。Yes. The next one is bean curd with crab roe.

本试验研究了狍在人工饲养条件下的繁殖行为。The breeding behavior of roe deer was studied.

周六是罗伊诞辰38周年。Saturday is the 38th anniversary of Roe V Wade.

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对配股进行收益分析,则是运用净资产收益率这一指标展开的。The analysis of revenue is done by appling to ROE.

这种保护措施还可防止獐鹿摩擦损伤。Such guards also protect against fraying by roe deer.

狍是一种重要的狩猎动物,在中国东北地区分布广泛。Roe deer is widely distributed in the Northeast of China.

有紫铁足,多断纹隐裂如鱼子。Purple iron foot, multi-cracked-off patterns, such as roe.

罗杰想知道他还能把什么东西转换进鱼卵里去。Roger wondered what else he could transform into fish roe.

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约翰·多伊被任命为邮政局长,取代退休的理查德…John Doe was appointed postmaster vice Richard Roe retired.

我的良人哪,求你快来。如羚羊或小鹿在香草山上。Come quickly, my loved one, and be like a roe on the mountains of spice.

鱼卵来自乌鱼,鲔鱼或其他的鱼的鱼白,轻微的盐腌,压缩与乾燥的。Roe from mullet, tuna or other fish, lightly salted , pressed and dried.

当然,股东权益回报率绝非华尔街赖以生存的首要指标。To be sure, ROE isn't the be-all-end-all metric that Wall Street lives by.

昂贵的配料通常是蟹肉和蟹黄。The more luxurious versions often have crab meat and a topping of crab roe.

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同时她还加入了骨粉和鱼卵,这些都极大地提高了营养成分的含量。She also adds salmon bonemeal and roe to her mix, which boosts nutrient level.

狍是我国的重要经济动物,在东北地区广泛分布。Roe deer is widely distributed in the Northeast of China as an important animal.

在这36年里,罗伊诉韦德案也将麦考维的人生一分为二。For 36 years, Roe v Wade has also been the great divider for McCorvey personally.