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我们很少能从星期日的宝贵时光中获得益处。And merely can we benefit from our treasurable holiday time.

很正常,即使是神圣的上帝也没有那么多的能力来珍惜全部值得珍惜的人类的生命。Fairly often, even the sacred God is powerless to cherish treasurable lives of human.

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希望这能给我的情感带来好的影响,在今后的路上也是一笔财富。Wish that it will have good effect on my affection , and be a treasurable wealth in the future.

孔子按照诱导启发这一教学原则去培养人才的理论是很可珍贵的。It is treasurable for Confucius to cultivate talents with the teaching principle of inducing and enlightening.

现在这些志书已成为人们研究安阳历史的珍贵文献。Today, these local history books have become treasurable literatures for people to study the history of Anyang.

能于学校课堂以外的环境从游戏中学习英语,实在是一个难得的宝贵经验及学习机会。Our pupils had learnt a lot in the games outside school. What a treasurable experience and learning opportunity!

不要认为太爱了就不舍得放下,一次次的机会不一定就值得被珍惜!Don"t think it is not easy to give up even you really deeply loved. Too many chances don"t mean they are treasurable.

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悲剧将人生的有价值的东西毁灭给人看,喜剧将那无价值的撕破给人看。Tragedies destroy the treasurable things of life in front of people, while comedies tear apart all the worthless ones.

最后,祝所有在科学道路上“格物以致知”的朋友们取得期望的成绩,同样也赢得宝贵的人生经验。Finally, may all the friends along the road to science earn a good many achievements as well as treasurable experience of life.

如果我的生命还有一天,我会选择好好的孝敬父母,因为他们给了我珍贵的生命和饱含激情的心。If I have only one day to live, I would take good care of my parents, because they gave me my treasurable life and my heart with great passion.

在美航工作,可以和上上下下的同事沟通,更可以让自己的工作会被上上下下的同事认可,这是一种很珍贵的企业文化。Our employee can communicate with all levels of staff in American Airlines and his work will be recognized by all levels of staff as well, which is a treasurable corporate culture.

今日不论什麽行业都深知顾客是公司最宝贵的资产,因此企业的架构与经营必须以顾客为核心。Nowadays, companies across all industries understand that customers are the most treasurable assets for them. So their business structures and operations must be centric on customers' point of views.