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热带昆虫学家阿诺德·范豪斯也定居在这里。It is also home to a tropical entomologist named Arnold van Huis.

“这是压垮骆驼的那根稻草。”康乃尔另一位昆虫学者皮门特尔说。"That was the straw that broke the camel's back, " says David Pimentel, also an entomologist at Cornell.

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昆虫学家乔治·波因纳尔在1982年的一片论文中探讨了从这些保鲜生物中提取DNA的可能性。A 1982 paper by entomologist George Poinar explored the potential for extracting DNA from preserved creatures.

意大利自然历史博物馆的昆虫学家马可?戈塔多和盖恩斯维尔市佛罗里达大学的昆虫学家亚伦?。That assessment was also confirmed by Marco Gottardo, an entomologist at Italy's Natural History Museum and Aaron T.

华盛顿史密森学会的昆虫学家特德·舒尔茨认为蚁类数据库“非常有价值”。Ted Schultz, an entomologist at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, said the ant database was "really valuable."

而且甲虫只攻击成熟的树木,昆虫学家杰西洛根指出年轻的树的作用根本不及成熟的树。And while the beetles only attack mature trees, entomologist Jesse Logan argues that young trees can't do what the mature trees do.

昆虫学家正在与卫生部和世界卫生组织共同工作,对幼虫和蚊子进行调查以便制定病媒控制战略。The entomologist is working with the Ministry and WHO to conduct larval and mosquito surveys to develop a strategy for vector control.

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“但是这一直没有写出来,”Ambrose说,他是北卡州立大学的教授和昆虫学家,养蜂专家。"But that never happened," said Ambrose, a professor and entomologist at North Carolina State University and apiculturist, or bee expert.

克兰曾做过这样的实验,用臭袜子做诱饵吸引蚊子,结果发现穿了三天的臭袜子对这些小虫有无法抵挡的吸引力。Entomologist Daniel L. Kline experimented with using dirty socks as a mosquito lure, and found his 3-day-old socks were irresistible to them.

“我认为这种方法的未来是相当光明的,”荷兰瓦格宁根大学的医学昆虫专家威廉·坦肯说。"I think the future for this approach looks quite rosy, " says medical entomologist Willem Takken of Wageningen University in the Netherlands.

罗斯柴尔德家族银行财产的继承人,也是一位著名的昆虫学家,米丽娅姆·罗斯柴尔德夫人听说了这个计划,把法雷尔请到了她的家里。Dame Miriam Rothschild, the renowned entomologist and heir to the Rothschild banking fortune, got wind of the plan and called Farrell to her house.

但是德克萨斯大学城的A&M大学的医学昆虫学家米歇尔·斯劳特曼提醒注意,这种研究结果并不一定适用于非洲其他地区。But medical entomologist Michel Slotman of Texas A&M University in College Station cautions that the results may not apply in other parts of Africa.

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其他专家,比如知名的哈佛大学昆虫学家威尔逊,在联合国教科文组织的会议上告诉与会者们灭绝的物种可能有一半之多。Other experts, such as eminent Harvard entomologist E.O. Wilson, told participants at the UNESCO conference that extinctions could go as high as 50 percent.

美国疾病防制中心的昆虫学者贝尼狄克特指出,法规的不确定性并不一定会引起担忧。Regulatory uncertainties are not necessarily a cause for alarm, points out mark benedict, an entomologist at the centers for disease control and prevention.

但乌干达纳姆隆格国家作物资源研究所的昆虫学家克里斯?奥莫戈表示,香蕉枯萎病的解决方法相对简单些。In that case, the solution was relatively simple, said Chris A. Omongo, an entomologist at the National Crops Resources Research Institute in Namulonge, Uganda.

从虫子的外形看,堪萨斯州大学昆虫学家迈克尔·S·恩格尔认定它为一种最早的飞虫——蜉蝣类。From the shape of the insect, Michael S. Engel, an entomologist at the University of Kansas, identified it as a mayfly, one of the first groups of flying insects.

阿维尼翁市法国国家农业研究院的昆虫学家赛德里克·阿劳想搞清蜜蜂的饮食是否正在影响它们自身的免疫系统。Entomologist Cédric Alaux of the French National Institute for Agricultural Research in Avignon wondered if the diets of bees might be altering their immune systems.

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卫生部在世卫组织的支持下派遣了由一名病毒学家、一名流行病学家和一名昆虫学家组成的多学科工作队前往两地调查疫情。The Ministry of Health, supported by WHO has sent a multidisciplinary team including a virologist, an epidemiologist and an entomologist to investigate both outbreaks.

有一次,昆虫学家AlbroT、Gaul先生在他的笔记本里匆匆记下,在马赛诸塞州北部某种蚂蚁开始举行飞行婚礼的准确日和时。Entomologist Albro T. Gaul once jotted down in his notebook that a particular species of ant in northern Massachusetts began its wedding flight at a certain day and time.

荷兰瓦赫宁恩大学的昆虫学家丹尼斯▪奥宁科斯指出“昆虫更加节能环保这一论断已存在相当长一段时间”。"The suggestion that insects would be more efficient has been around for quite some time, " said Dennis Oonincx, an entomologist at Wageningen University in the Netherlands.