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大多数交互性网站实际兼而有之。Most interactional sites are actually hybrids.

信息性和交互性站点如何区分How informational and interactional sites differ

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旅游流是旅游目的地与客源地之间相互作用的结果。Tourism flow is the interactional results between destination and domestic tourist markets.

金融市场和金融信息市场之间具有双向促进的效应。There is an interactional relationship between financial market and financial information market.

有了交互式方法,一个大问题是放在屏幕上哪里。With the interactional approach, a prime consideration is where the interaction is on the screen.

语言的交际功能和表达功能都是受到超语言信息的制约。The interactional and expressive functions of a language are restricted by extra linguistic message.

缓冲发泡材料是有许多相互作用的多面体气孔的聚合体。Cushioning foaming material is a kind of polymer comprised of a lot of interactional polyhedron pores.

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在以锚桩作为反力装置的静载试验中,锚桩与试桩之间存在相互作用。Anchor pile and trial pile is interactional in the static test with anchor pile providing counterforce.

发展的过程是分化和整合之间对位性相互作用的过程。The development course is the interactional process of the contraposition of differentiation and integration.

您也许会想,为什么要关注其区别,或者说,要把信息性和交互性这两者分开来。You might wonder why you need to focus on the distinction, or divide, between interactional and informational.

旅游城市化和城市旅游化是一种互相促进、相互制约的关系。The relationship between tourism urbanization and the form of urban tourism is interdependent and interactional.

回到两者兼有的构想,即使最具交互性的网站,也会在某种程度显示信息。Getting back to the idea of hybridization, even the most interactional site must at some point present information.

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高新技术产业发展与区域经济发展之间存在着相互作用的关系。There are interactional relations between the development of high-tech industry and the development of regional economy.

由于激光与材料相互作用的复杂性,使得小孔加工质量很难控制。The machining quality of the hole is difficult to control because of the interactional complexity between laser and material.

另外利用脉冲响应函数和方差分解方法考察二者之间相互影响的强度和初期影响情况。It uses impulse response function and variance decomposition analysis to review interactional intension and incipient infection in them.

骨肉瘤是一种多基因病变,应用基因芯片技术有助于发现该肿瘤的基因变化。It is helpful to apply gene array to find the laws of gene expression and to study the gene-gene interactional relationships in this tumor.

您要做决策在互动网站上增加信息,还是在信息网站上增加互动。You're going to have to make decisions about information in your interactional site, and decisions about interaction in your informational site.

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模拟通过加载氢离子圆盘和充入中性氢气,观察了引入离子后电子束和离子的行为。Hydrogen ion lens are loaded and neutral hydric gas is filled in simulation in order to observe the interactional behavior of electrons and ions.

刑讯逼供这一侵犯性人格特质是先天和后天习得两者相互作用的结果。As a violating personality character, extorting a confession by torture is the interactional outcome of both the inborn and postnatal acquisition.

上述这些因素相互影响、相互作用,造就了东汉人物的地域分布格局。The influencing factors narrated above were interactional and founded the framework of the regional distribution of characters in East-han Dynasty.