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突然出现剧烈的头痛。Sudden, severe headaches.

我的肌肉痛得厉害。I have severe muscle pain.

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霜霉病可能很严重。Downy mildew can be severe.

他被痛打一顿。He received a severe beating.

招工形势非常严峻。The situation is most severe.

这是一个非常严峻的形势。It is a very severe situation.

饥饿迫使他去偷食。To cause to endure severe hunger.

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她感染上了严重的热病。She has contracted a severe fever.

我的儿子发高烧。My son's contracted a severe fever.

尼日尔经常有严重的干旱期。Niger often has severe dry periods.

我咳得很厉害而且喉咙痛。I have severe cough and throat pain.

其中之一就是他那霜冻严重的冬天。One of them is frosty severe winter.

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他受到严厉的批评。He was subjected to severe criticism.

我的牙齿一阵阵地痛得很厉害。I've had severe twinges of toothache.

它引起发热和严重关节痛。It causes fever and severe joint pain.

岂料突然风浪大作。Then suddenly a severe wind sprang up.

我们不能对他要求过苛。We must not be too severe against him.

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抄袭者将受到严厉处罚。Copycats are subject to severe penalty.

这些问题包括轻微到严重的。The problems range from mild to severe.

它甫一问世便经历严峻考验。It was immediately put to a severe test.