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结论胎膜早破与难产的关系密切。Conclusions The PROM is the cause of dystocia.

子宫破裂的首要原因是胎位性难产,其次为疤痕破裂。The first reason for uterine ruptures is fetal dystocia.

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奶牛行为和难产之间是否有内在的联系?Is there a relationship between cow behavior and dystocia?

下面这首习作就难产于当时的茫然不知所措中。The following is the first project of dystocia at that time loss.

本文对7例在养殖条件下难产的花面狸进行了研究。The paper studied 7 case Masked civet of dystocia in farm condition.

糖尿病孕妇生育巨大胎儿及发生肩难产的危险性增加。Maternal diabetes increases the risk of fetal macrosomia and shoulder dystocia.

最常见的产伤是臂麻痹,通常因肩难产引起。The most common injury is brachial plexus palsy, often caused by shoulder dystocia.

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目的了解胎膜早破难产发生率升高的原因。Objective Understand reason of high occurrence rate of dystocia while caul early broken.

肩难产被大多数医生认为是产科或助产的急症。Shoulder dystocia is considered an obstetric or midwifery emergency by most practitioners.

在骨盆问题引起的难产前,无效的宫缩应该加以纠正。Inefficient uterine action should be corrected before attributing dystocia to a pelvic problem.

加强饲养管理、保证营养物质供给是防制难产的有效措施。The effective measure of control dystocia is ensure supply nutrient matter, enhance feeding managment.

现在有越来越多的经验表明,肩难产在分娩池中更容易处理。Now there is a growing body of experience that suggests shoulder dystocia can be managed easier in the pool.

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预测肩难产对于防治妊娠并发症及新生儿损伤有重要意义。Prediction of shoulder dystocia is important for the prevention of gestation complications and newborn damage.

胎儿过重,易造成肩难产,导致新生儿锁骨骨折或臂神经丛损伤。The fetus dystocia overweight, easy cause shoulder, result in babies of clavicle fracture or arm plexus injury.

癫痫病人在妊娠后大多数人癫痫发作会增加,分娩时难产率明显高于无癫者。Epilepsy in pregnancy seizure most people will increase, birth rate of dystocia were significantly higher than epilepsy.

肩难产与巨大胎儿,妊娠糖尿病,经产妇,第二产程延长有关。Shoulder dystocia is markedly related with the fetal macrosomia, gestational diabetes mellitus, multipara, prolonged second stage.

导致头位难产的主要因素依次为胎头位置异常、巨大儿、宫缩乏力、软产道及骨产道异常。The main causes of dystocia of vertex presentation were occiput mal presentation, macrosomic infant, uterine atony, abnormal pelvic and genital tract.

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第一产程中,不能做出难产的诊断。除非已经进入活跃期或者有足够的产力。In the first stage of labor, the diagnosis of dystocia can not be made unless the active phase of labor and adequate uterine contractile forces have been present.

居异常妊娠结局次位的是妊娠37周前分娩、肩位难产或产伤、需作新生特护、高胆红素血症与子痫前期。Secondary outcomes were delivery before 37 weeks of gestation, shoulder dystocia or birth injury, need for intensive neonatal care, hyperbilirubinemia, and preeclampsia.

方法分析200例胎膜早破孕妇中发生难产的原因和类型,随机抽取同期无胎膜早破的健康孕妇200例作对照。Methods Analyze reasons and styles of dystocia for 200 cases of pregnant woman with caul early broken , and compare with 200 cases of without above disease selected by random.