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法律是补偿性的而非惩罚性的。The law is compensatory ratherthan punitive.

惩罚性赔偿本系英美法中的一项制度。Punitive damages is a legal system of Anglo-American law.

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没有饥渴也没有讨伐,只有期望抑或无止尽的等待。No hunger no punitive expedition, only expect or endless waiting.

政治或道德的处罚政策,我有此一种有益的惧怕。Of punitive police, political or moral, I have a wholesome horror.

霍夫曼认为新部长在监管上可能会更加严厉。The new man, Hoffman says, could be more "punitive" with regulation.

惩罚性损害赔偿制度是英美法上特有的法律制度。Punitive damage system is a characteristic system of England-America Law.

1927年夏参加讨伐夏斗寅叛军的战斗。In 1927 summer participation punitive expedition Xia Douyinrebel army's fight.

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“采取惩罚措施是防止泄密的好办法,”汇丰银行的马恒德兰说到。"Punitive actions are a good way of deterring people," said HSBC's Mr Mahendran.

惩罚性损害赔偿,无论是在中国法还是在美国法,都是一种特别的损害赔偿方式。Punitive Damages is a special kind of damages both in American Law and Chinese Law.

有一年夏天,曹操率领部队去讨伐张绣。One summer, Cao Cao was leading his troops in a punitive expedition a-gainst Zhang Xiu.

惩罚性损害赔偿是我国民事立法和民法学研究的一项新课题。Punitive Damage is a new topic of civil legislation and civil law study in our country.

当惩罚性父母存在时,小诺拉畏缩着,很难触及。When the punitive parent is present, Little Nora cowers away and is difficult to reach.

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第二部分为消费费者保护领域引入惩罚性赔偿的理论基础。Part two is the theoretical basis for introducing punitive damages system into consumer area.

我国现行高校学生处罚性措施的合法性分析。The second part analyses the lawfulness of current punitive measures of colleges in our country.

伴随着谴责而来的是压迫,从不断增加的CCTV式监督到惩罚性的劳动福利法规。And with condemnation has come repression, from increased CCTV surveillance to punitive workfare rules.

支配传统刑事司法的刑事政策是报应性和惩罚性的。The criminal policy governing the traditional justice against the criminal offence is retributive and punitive.

惩罚性损害赔偿制度起源于英美法系,并发展、发达于英美法系国家,迄今已有几百年的历史。Over the centuries, the institution of punitive damages derived from and developed in Anglo-American law system.

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他们的军队进入越南兴师问罪的目的在于诱使越南的正规军退出柬埔寨。Their forces entered Vietnam as a punitive expedition aimed at luring Vietnamese regular forces out of Cambodia.

企业罪犯被庭外和解,逃脱了普通民众必须面临的监狱刑和惩罚刑。Corporate criminals settle out of court and escape jail terms and punitive fines that ordinary citizens would face.

泰米尔纳德邦政府应当对针对达利特的犯罪采取强硬的惩罚措施。难道我们仍然生活在10世纪?TN govt need to taken strong punitive measure for this type of crime against dalits. Are we living in 10th century?