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它的开发者是松本行弘。It's developer is Yukihiro Matsumoto.

松元刚明是银行家出身。Matsumoto is a former banker just out.

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Matsumoto说,有时候必须把工作上的紧急事件放在第一位。Matsumoto says work emergencies sometimes must come first.

所以乱菊是少数银似乎真正在乎的人之一。Hence, Matsumoto is one of the few people Gin seems to truly care about.

光一说,让他充分学习传统祭典很重要。Matsumoto says it is very important to him to learn enough about the tradition.

松本吉朗和他的儿子光一,会定期参与这个祭典。Matsumoto Yoshiaki and his son Mastumoto Koichi regularly take part in the festival.

松本先生和摄影师孩子在儿童花园,Manzanar搬迁中心,加利福尼亚州。Mr. Matsumoto and children at children's garden, Manzanar Relocation Center, California.

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两人见到松本弥二之时,王二麻子认出松本就是他昔时的掌柜的。When two people see Matsumoto two, two pock-marked recognize Matsumoto is his back manned.

保罗艾克曼博士博士和大卫松本创建梅特,在线微表达的训练工具。Dr. Paul Ekman and Dr. David Matsumoto created METT, an online micro expression training tool.

日本首相福田康夫将于今晚在著名的松本楼宴请胡主席。Japanese PM Yasuo Fukuda will receive Hu at the Matsumoto Hotel with a grand banquet in the evening.

日本共同社、时事通讯社等多家媒体8日发布松本即将出任外相的报道。Japan's Kyodo News, Jiji Press and other media about 8 pm as the Foreign Secretary, Matsumoto reported.

松本刚明当天还与中国外长杨洁篪进行了电话会谈。Matsumoto just out the same day with the Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi held a telephone meeting.

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松本惠子说,“我认为在这种环境下开发合租市场是个很好的想法。”Keiko Matsumoto says ' I think the idea of facilitating shared housing is very smart in this environment.

双方的有关评论,发生于日本外务大臣松本刚明结束两天的访华行程之际。The comments came as Japanese Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto was winding up a two-day visit to China.

他们会在一个狭窄的空间里工作。They'll be working in a narrow space," TEPCO spokesman Junichi Matsumoto told reporters at a news conference.

虽然这话是Takuro对我说的,但其实是松本给他这个建议的。Well, even though Takuro was the one who told me this, it was actually Tak Matsumoto who gave Takuro this advice.

尽管如此,松本刚明表示,他希望重新评估和改善长达数十年之久的同盟关系,以使其“适应21世纪”。However, Matsumoto Gang Ming said he hoped to re-evaluate and improve decades-long alliance to make it "the 21st century."

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然而,他似乎有相当密切的关系与副主席队长松本,谁可能是他唯一真正的朋友。However, he seems to have a rather strong relationship with vice-captain Matsumoto , who is probably his only true friend.

前原辞职后,松本和前经济产业大臣直岛正行成为继任者的热门人选。Maehara resignation, Matsumoto and former economy minister until a successor to the island is a popular line of candidates.

而松本弥二担忧昔时的工作被山口一男查出,敕令日军围住了灵谷寺后屠寺。While Matsumoto two concerns back by a male fish, pass edict tu temple after Japanese troops surrounded the soul valley temple.