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请抓紧扶手。Please hold the handrail.

走楼梯时要把着扶手。Use the handrail on stairs.

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那个男孩顺着楼梯扶手滑了下来。The boy slid down the handrail.

扶手随阶梯逐级升高。The handrail scales with the steps.

严峻的扶手看起来一样好。Thee stern handrail looks just as good.

然后再右扶手一转弯就到了!And then a right turn on to the handrail !

为保安全,紧握扶手。For your safety, please hold the handrail.

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可调整长短的楼梯扶手。靠墙放置。Resizable handrail for staircases. Place against wall.

下台阶时,抓住栏杆以保安全。Hold the handrail for safety while coming down the steps.

下一站系何福堂。请紧握扶手。Next stop is Ho Fuk Tong. Please hold the handrail tightly.

转身,抓胤住摇晃的扶手上二层。Turn about and aided by a shaky handrail up to the first floor.

所以扶手的设计应该更利于抓握和用力。So the design of handrail should be easy for holding and energizing.

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我以没有栏干和不平顺的步骤爬下的一系列容易受惊的步骤!A set of scary steps I climbed down with no handrail and uneven steps!

这些由焊接盎格鲁钢铁和脚手立杆组成的栏杆。These consist of weldnesh , steel angles and a scaffold pole handrail.

这边的扶手才刚粉刷过,很容易掉色。This side of the handrail was pointed just now, so it is easy to fade.

当你来到圆形扶手边时,等待太阳能发电器重新启动。When you come to the round handrail pause for the solar re-operations.

丝布为扶手填充板和安全检查的欢迎。Wire cloth is popular for handrail infill panels and security screening.

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依合斯扶手带经各扶梯生产厂商批准。EHC handrails are approved by all major escalator handrail manufacturers.

轮船的起伏让她头晕眼花,她斜靠在扶手上。The heaving of the ship made her dizzy and she leanedagainst the handrail.

港监,因为我舟白勺栏杆损坏了,我需要在本港入行明火功课。Harbor master, my vessel's handrail was broken, so I need to weld it at the port.