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妇女是生产巴西棕榈树油的重要一环。Women are at the center of the babassu story.

Maranhão州法律规定,砍伐巴巴苏棕榈树是违法行为。Under Maranhão state law, it is illegal to cut down babassu palm trees.

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该运动正在为保护受到威胁的巴巴苏棕榈树林而努力。The movement is fighting for the conservation of threatened groves of babassu palm.

尽管如此,在新的强有力的人物为棕榈树斗争下,生物能源爆炸将对事情有所改变。However, the bioenergy boom could change things, with new and powerful actors fighting over babassu palm trees.

经过30年来不断与地主争取,本来只能担任破开棕榈树工作的妇女终于有机会到棕榈树种植场采榈树籽。After 30 years of campaigning against large landowners, the women babassu breakers won legal rights to go onto the land and extract the babassu nuts.

有机巴西棕榈树油为12个乡郊社群的妇女提供难得的就业机会和收入,同时亦为保护亚马逊森林出一分力。Organic babassu oil Provides 12 rural communities of women with the rare opportunity of regular work and income, whilst help to preserve the amazon forest.

剥豆人一直进行的另一项努力是重新获得在私有土地上免费获取巴巴苏棕榈树群的权利,并且保留在公共土地上获取棕榈树的权利。Another ongoing struggle waged by the quebradeiras is regaining free access to groves of babassu palm trees on private land, and preserving access to trees on public land.

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但是一些州只允许妇女合法的获取公共土地上的棕榈树,使得土地所有者有权利收割生长在自有土地上的棕榈树。But some states have only granted the women legal access to trees on public land, leaving authorisation to harvest coconuts from babassu groves on private land up to the owner.

但是,由于当地居民害怕对大量生长于巴西中部和北部地区的巴巴苏棕榈树的工业化规模采伐,生物燃料也会对社会产生危害。But they can also cause social damage, as locals fear in the case of industrial-scale exploitation of babassu palm trees, which grow abundantly in the wild in central and northern Brazil.

传统的剥豆人也将高大的巴巴苏棕榈树的椰子用于苫盖屋顶,编织屋墙,篮子,而树干则用作建筑材料。The traditional quebradeira communities also use the leaves of the tall babassu palm tree for roof thatch, woven house walls, and basket-making, while the trunks can be used as building materials.

因此,收割巴巴苏椰子与其他诸如砍伐亚马逊丛林的那种收割生长在更野外的分散生长的树或者植物相比,更与耕种相似。Thus, harvesting the babassu coconuts is more similar to farming than other activities involving more widely dispersed wild-growing trees or vegetation, such as rubber-tapping in the Amazon jungle.