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我对你感激万分。I'm tremendously obliged to you.

他们是非常可靠的。They were tremendously reliable.

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这场胜利极大地鼓舞了我们。The victory lifted us up tremendously.

而且帮助还很大。You know, it helps fundraising tremendously.

读书破万卷,下笔如有神。He owns a gifted pen, who reads tremendously.

我们和祖先的纤维素的摄入量也相去甚远Then fiber was tremendously different as well.

微小的领导力也能带来很大的改观A little bit of leadership can help tremendously.

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我也认为普林斯顿大学有很多的改进。And so I do feel that it is improved tremendously.

这女人超爱她的长孙。The woman loves her first grandchild tremendously.

有条件现金转移支付在各国国内也已蓬勃兴起。CCTs have also grown tremendously within countries.

这些设备的能力差异非常大。The capabilities of these devices vary tremendously.

薪水在过去的几年里以惊人的速度增长。Wages have gone up tremendously over the past years.

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一浪接一浪,共来了三个巨浪。One after another, three tremendously huge waves came.

毒品和炸弹嗅探犬是极为宝贵的。Drug- and bomb-sniffing dogs are tremendously valuable.

这是一个非常激动人心的发展,索普说。That is a tremendously exciting development, Thorp said.

在这类博弈中领导力的作用举足轻重In those kind of games, leadership can help tremendously.

在短短的几年时间里,Box.net突飞猛进。In just a few short years, has grown tremendously.

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这是一种非常令人激动的感觉,很难描述。This is a tremendously intense feeling, and hard to describe.

他拥有一根神奇的金箍棒和高强的武功。He had a magic golden cudgel and tremendously supernatural power.

投标者交出了她异常纤细娇嫩的手指.The tenderer surrendered her tremendously slender tender fingers.