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她的丈夫对她不忠实。Her husband is unfaithful to her.

那人牺牲了一个不忠的妻子。The man sacrifices an unfaithful wife.

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他每天都暗中监视他那不忠的妻子。He spies on his unfaithful wife every day.

她面对不忠的丈夫难以自处。She has nowhere to run from her unfaithful husband.

当然了,如果她忠贞,但她的老公在外拈花惹草,她的风险也会增大。Having an unfaithful husband also increases her risk.

他承认自己对朋友不忠实。He confessed himselt to be unfaithful to his friends.

单是在比被一个奸诈的关系。Being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship.

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结晶营地,赔偿过失,疑妻不贞的试验。The Purity of Camp, The Test for an Unfaithful Wife, The Nazirite.

不管怎么说我不希望她再跟这样不忠实的人一起生活。Anyway I don't want her to be the victim of such an unfaithful man.

他是个不忠心的奴仆,从主人腓利门那里逃跑了。He was an unfaithful servant when he fled from his master Philemon.

从某种角度上来说男人的变心是女人给惯出来的。In some perspective, men are coddled by their women to be unfaithful.

他是一个不随和的父亲、一个不忠实的丈夫和一个自私的朋友。He was a difficult father, an unfaithful husband and a selfish friend.

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英王亨利说安对他不忠,最后还将她处死。King Henry said she was unfaithful to him and eventually had her killed.

多数不忠的男人把偷情看做天赐良机,并且减少卷入其中的人。Most unfaithful men see affairs as high opportunity and low involvement.

这亚哈斯王在急难的时候,越发得罪耶和华。In his time of trouble King Ahaz became even more unfaithful to the Lord.

你会怎样看那位引诱你的配偶对你不忠的同事呢?What do you think of the coworker who entices your spouse to be unfaithful?

在“奥赛罗”奥赛罗拉戈说服他的妻子对他不忠。In "Othello, " lago convinces Othello that his wife has been unfaithful to him.

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他每天都暗中监视他那不忠的妻子。He could not divest himself of the suspicion that his wife was being unfaithful.

历代志作者认为这是出于乌西雅王自己的骄傲。The author of Chronicles explained that it was due to Uzziah's unfaithful pride.

“我基本是一个害羞的人,”因“Unfaithful”一片而获Oscar奖提名的她说。“I’m just basically a shy person, ” the Oscar-nominated star of Unfaithful says.