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最后还提供了几例不锈钢的脱磷技术。Finally, it provides some examples of dephosphorization technology for stainless steels.

不需加药可达到较好的脱氮除磷效果。The denitrification and dephosphorization can be well achieved without adding the agents.

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将热力学计算与现场试验相结合,确定了该法的脱磷期控制温度范围。Based on thermodynamics and experiments, the temperature range for dephosphorization was obtained.

解决了低硅铁水炼钢粘枪、粘烟罩、脱磷困难等问题。The problems such as dephosphorization and adhesion of slag to oxygen lance and helmet were settled.

研究了锰铁成分、温度和熔剂量等工艺因素对脱磷的影响。The influence from FeMn component, temperature and flux content on the dephosphorization was studied.

从动力学角度分析影响脱硫脱磷过程的限制性环节。Analysed the restriction factors that affects desulphurization and dephosphorization from the kinetics theory.

分析了高磷铁矿石降磷的重要性,并且叙述了某高磷铁矿石的主要工艺矿物学特征、磷赋存状态及嵌布特征。In this paper, the importance of dephosphorization process in treatment of high phosphorus iron ore is analyzed.

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理论分析了渣—铁反应脱磷的影响因素。Factors affecting the dephosphorization reaction between the hot metal and the molten slag are theoretically analyzed.

分析了转炉冶炼中高碳钢条件下影响脱磷的主要因素。This paper analyzes mainfactors that influence the dephosphorization of medium-high carbon steels in con-verter steelmaking process.

其中EAF是用来熔化废钢、升温和必要的精炼,如脱磷、脱碳的设备。EAF is used for melting disposed steel, increasing temperature and necessarily fining, such as dephosphorization and decarbonization.

本文通过热力学分析和已有的实验结果,论述了铬铁熔体氧化脱磷的可能性。In this paper, the possibility of dephosphorization by oxidation is discussed through thermodynamic analysis and experimental results.

低碱度渣铁水预处理脱磷的一个主要特点是形成高氧势、低碱度炉渣。One important characteristic of hot metal dephosphorization with low basicity slag is to form low basicity, high oxygen potential slag.

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总投资3亿元利用龙蟒磷制品废渣进行脱磷石膏制品生产加工。The total investment of 3 billion waste products using the Lomon dephosphorization phosphorus gypsum products production and processing.

结果表明,炉衬耐火材质、载气、渣量和处理时间对脱磷、脱硫均有重要影响。The results show that the lining-refractory, carrier gas, flux amount and treating-time affect dephosphorization and desulfurization seriously.

通过热力学分析和已有的实验结果说明了锰铁合金氧化脱磷的可能性。Possibility of oxidizing dephosphorization for Fe-Mn alloys is discussed on the basis of thermodynamic analysis and the previous experimental data.

研究还表明五箱一体化活性污泥工艺能在交替运行过程中实现高效除磷脱氮。The results also showed that the five-tank integrated active sludge process could realize dephosphorization and denitrification at high efficiency.

将生物脱磷和生物脱氮应用到城市废水处理系统中,能有效地解决废水深度处理中存在的一些问题。In the present paper we apply the biological dephosphorization and biological denitrification technique to the deep disposition of sewage in the cities.

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采用生尘芽孢杆菌对高磷贫碳酸锰矿石进行了微生物脱磷试验,探讨了其作用机理。Dephosphorization of phosphorus-rich rhodochrosite-poor by Bacillus pulvifaciens has been investigated, the mechanism of biodephosphorization have been discussed.

介绍了不锈钢脱磷的不同方法,认为弱氧化脱磷是有前途的。In this article, various methods in terms of stainless steel dephosphorization were introduced and dephosphorization under light oxidation was held to be promising.

经过实验室铁水喷粉脱磷试验,筛选优化出含20%转炉渣的脱磷剂,脱磷率达70%。The dephosphorizing agent containing 20 percent LD slag was optimized by the powder injection experiments in laboratory, the dephosphorization ratio reached 70 percent.