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如我刚才所说,治疗费用是灾难性的。The costs, as I said, are catastrophic.

这对经济的影响可能是灾难性的.我的意思是,可能出现比2008年更严重的金融经济危机.The impact on the economy would be catastrophic.

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届时唯一的选择将是灾难性的违约。The only option would be a catastrophic default.

财政部官员表示这将是“灾难性的”。Treasury officials have said this would be"catastrophic.

降到丙级将是灾难性的。Relegation to the Third Division would prove catastrophic.

艾滋病已成为当今世界人人闻之色变的头号灾难性疾病。AIDS now becomes a chief catastrophic disease in the world.

如果你不信,那他得出的灾难性结论就根本不足为虑。If you don't, then his catastrophic conclusions are irrelevant.

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本文简要介绍突变理论的尖点突变模型。Point model of catastrophic theory is introduced in this paper.

短期调整是痛苦的,但绝不会是灾难性的。A short-term correction would be painful, but hardly catastrophic.

希韦卢奇火山上一次灾难性喷发是1956年。Xiwei Lucci catastrophic volcanic eruption is the last time in 1956.

然而电视还不至于会经历一个悲惨的“纳普斯特时刻”。Yet television is not about to suffer a catastrophic “Napster moment”.

对于不符合工业规则的代价可能是毁灭性的。The cost of non-compliance with industry regulations can be catastrophic.

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在人口稠密区域发生灾难性事故的后果是什么?What are the consequences of a catastrophic accident in a populated area?

这个国家花了好几年时间才从这个灾情惨重的地震中恢复。It took years for the country to recover from the catastrophic earthquake.

而与此同时,灾难性撞击事件的风险一直存在,并有过微弱的增长。Meanwhile, the risk of catastrophic impact continues to grow ever fainter.

企业破产法的失败在俄罗斯产生了灾难性的结果。The failure of the enterprise law produced catastrophic results in Russia.

还要比较两个指标的大病治疗开支估值。Estimates of catastrophic spending from the two measures were also compared.

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灾难性饥荒和伊斯兰狂热分子的苛政给索马里人民带来深重灾难。A people plagued by catastrophic famine—and the tyranny of Islamist fanatics.

没有一个有成就的人能够避免失败--有时甚至是一败涂地。No one of achievement has avoided failure -- sometimes catastrophic failures.

她走遍了非洲,以及遭地震重挫的海地。She traveled throughout Africa and to Haiti afterthe catastrophic earthquake.