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你好,请问是霍根夫人吗?Excuse me. Are you Mrs Hogan?

你住在土屋还是宾馆?Do you stay in a hogan or in a hotel?

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我想侯根在天有灵的话是会原谅我这样做的。I think Hogan would be fine with that.

波恩斯坦还说,霍根从未有过违法记录。Hogan has never been in trouble with the law.

他回信给霍根并寄去一段噪音的曲线图。He replied to Hogan and sent him a plot of the noise.

老娘法眼一开就知道你是个妖孽了。Hogan opened his aging mother know you are an evildoer.

印第安传统纳瓦霍人的家是一个用泥巴盖封起来的树桩,人们一般称之为“Hogan”。The traditional Navajo home is a mud-covered log hut called a hogan.

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霍根于1953年赢得美国公开赛和英国公开赛冠军后引退。Hogan came close in 1953 when he collected the US Open and British Open crowns.

直到有天,霍根意识到,全息原理改变了一切。That is, not until Hogan realised that the holographic principle changes everything.

纳瓦霍人的一首宗教歌曲告诉人们第一所Hogan是如何被狼神建造出来让人们使用的。A Navajo religious song tells how the first hogan was built for man by the god Coyote.

Hogan称,“除非微软收购雅虎,否则每天都会有雅虎的新闻!”"There is going to be news on Yahoo every day until they merge with Microsoft, " said Hogan.

Hogan声称2011春季的设计师项目将包括鞋类、配饰和服装。Hogan said the designer’s project for spring 2011 would include shoes, accessories and clothing.

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我喜欢哈根多士。他们有不同种类的冰淇淋口味让你选择。I prefer Hogan Dos. They have a different variety of flavors of ice cream for you to choose from.

向着球位快速地移动右膝关节,使得侯根的下盘可以极快地移动。By running the right knee at the ball, Hogan was able to generate terrific speed in his lower body.

荷根重构一世纪前的伦敦,仿如我们熟识的电影〈欢乐满人间〉。Hogan recreates a turn of the century London that we are familiar with from stories like Mary Poppins.

侯根进一步解释说他想要用力击球的话,他就会更快速地移动他的右膝。Hogan explained that the harder he wanted to hit the ball, the faster he ran his right knee at the ball.

塔提莎和克丽斯塔·霍根是健康而快乐的4岁女孩,她们分享一切,甚至想法。Tatiana and Krista Hogan are healthy, happy 4-year-olds who share everything — maybe even their thoughts.

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“这是一个可怕的悲剧,我们任何人都无法真正理解,”霍金路伟律师事务所发表声明称。"This is an awful tragedy and hard for any of us to truly comprehend, " Hogan Lovells said in a statement.

湄公河巨鲶2002年从柬埔寨洞里萨河中捕获的湄公河巨鲶。照片由泽布·霍根提供。Mekong giant catfish is pulled from the Tonle Sap River in Cambodia, 2002. Photograph courtesy of Zeb Hogan.

霍根讲起,她曾前往秘鲁的一个村庄,在那里,一家援助团体把游客带进来帮助修建公共厕所。Ms. Hogan tells of going to a village in Peru where an aid group brought in tourists to help build public toilets.