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好的店长你需要什么?Okay then skipper What do you need?

每一航员需遵守船长或值班船长的指令。Everybody follows the command of the skipper or watch leader.

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乌拉圭队长迭戈卢加诺是第一个逃离,加盟巴黎圣日耳曼。Uruguay skipper Diego Lugano was the first to flee, joining PSG.

鲁塞尔?库茨船长曾带领祖国新西兰队两次夺得冠军。Skipper Russell Coutts led his native New Zealand to victory twice before.

阿森纳队长塞斯克法布雷加斯将在欧冠联赛上与巴塞罗那发生冲突。Arsenal skipper Cesc Fabregas will make their Champions League clash with Barcelona.

队长和副队长誓言继续为母队效力到2011年。Skipper and vice-captain have pledged their futures to their home-town club until 2011.

他敏捷的冲向桌子,拔出佩剑向杰克森船长挥去。Springing into the table with alacrity, he drew his sword and swung it upon skipper Jackson.

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红军队长在比赛20分钟时用一记精彩吊射为球队首开纪录。The skipper opened the scoring with a beautifully worked dink over the keeper on 20 minutes.

穆里尼奥可能会让埃辛改打中卫,与队长特里一同坐阵中路。And Mourinho is likely to switch Michael Essien to centre-back, alongside skipper John Terry.

利物浦队友哈维·阿隆索在英格兰对西班牙的友谊赛前说道。Liverpool team-mate Xabi Alonso ahead of the friendly against Spain when Gerrard was skipper.

跳绳学院学员在印度新德里参加第四届亚洲跳绳比赛时的片段。Skipper of HKRSI performances at the 4th Asian Rope Skipping Championships in New Dehli, India.

利物浦队长现在是暂时佩戴队长袖标,因为里奥·费迪南德因伤缺阵。The Liverpool skipper is temporarily wearing the armband in place of the injured Rio Ferdinand.

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在由于脚腱伤病缺席两周之后,队长本周已经参加队内全程的训练。The skipper returned to full training this weekend after two weeks out with a hamstring problem.

他们在海上航行的第四天,舵手发现滚滚乌云向他们压来,急忙下令将船划向海岸。On the fourth day, the skipper saw black clouds looming andordered the boat to be rowed to shore.

简直不敢相信,但是这些肯定归功于我们智慧与美貌并存的女船长汉娜。That is unbelievable and mostly attributed to the well experienced skipper with beauty and wisdom.

U18队长考迪是位点球专家,他两次在12码前命中点球。U18s skipper Coady is something of a penalty expert and he twice kept his nerve from 12-yards out.

所有航员感谢您遵照守则及免于产生困扰,特别是船长。Everybody on board appreciate you following the rules and preventing trouble, especially the skipper.

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这位新英格兰主教练同时也确认利物浦的领袖杰拉德将成为副队长。The new England Head Coach also confirmed that Liverpool skipper Steven Gerrard will be vice-captain.

利物浦队长仍然因为在与图鲁兹的比赛中所受的脚伤接受治疗。The Liverpool skipper is still nursing the broken toe which sidelined him against Toulouse in midweek.

佟船长是白天鹅号船长,往来长江近半个世纪,如今行将退休。A skipper of the White Swan, he has spent almost half a century on the river and he is about to retire.