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鸟有喙和一双小圆珠般而亮晶晶的眼睛。A bird has a beak and two beady eyes.

任何事都很难逃过我们老师那明亮的眼睛。Not much escapes our teacher's beady eye.

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看起来好生无辜的小眼神儿哦。What an innocent expression in their beady eyes.

小,黑卑鄙的眼睛横跨空气闪动。Beady , black soulless eyes flash across the air.

当他把马灯举起来的时候,光线瞬间充满了那双像鹰一样锐利的眼睛。When he raised his lantern, the light shone full on those beady eyes.

后来又是她那明亮的小眼睛,炽热而又充满悲哀。And then her beady little eyes, so hot and sorrowful at the same time.

任何事都很难逃过我们老师那明亮的眼睛。Not much escapes our teacher's beady eye, ie Our teacher sees almost everything.

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肥硕的国王变色龙懒洋洋地躺在树枝上,滴溜溜地扫视着四周,寻觅着晚餐。A fat Parson's chameleon lies lazily on a branch, beady eyes scanning for dinner.

他的头顶很尖,像鹿一样还有像鼠一样的豆子眼。His head was kind of pinched on top like a deer's, and he had beady eyes like a rat.

总统肖像成日目光如豆影响办公室士气怎办?Tired of the President's beady eyes starting at you all day in your government office?

通过位于头上部的一个小镜子,你可以看到那条蛇圆溜溜的眼睛,然而你却动弹不得。Your eyes meet the snake's beady gaze through a tiny mirror above your head. You can't move.

通过位于头上部的一个小镜子,你可以看到那条蛇圆溜溜的眼睛,然而你却动弹不得。Your eyes meet the snake’s beady gaze through a tiny mirror above your head. You can’t move.

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两只邪恶的爪子在它那四只黑色的圆眼睛和锯齿状的大颚前面晃动着。Two wicked claws grope the air before its four beady , black eyes and sharp, jagged mandibles.

“你会怎样处置它呢?”邓普利顿继续问道,小小的圆豆子眼睛眨也不眨的盯着母鹅。"What are you going to do with it?" continued Templeton, his little round beady eyes fixed on the goose.

离我们几步远的地方,有一只高一米的梅蜘蛛,斜着眼注视我,就要向我身上扑来。A few paces away, a monstrous, meter-high sea spider was staring at me with beady eyes, poised to spring at me.

该教师时刻提防着这几名学生,以防他们试图考试作弊。The teacher viewed several of the students with a beady eye in case they tried to cheat during the examination.

包装纸里钻出一对圆鼓鼓的黑眼睛,然后是黄色的喙、红色的蝴蝶结和桔黄色的脚。A pair of black, beady eyes peeked out from their papery hiding place, then a yellow beak, a red bow tie, and orange feet.

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这条蛇突然睁开警觉的双眼,缓慢地,非常缓慢的抬起了他的头,直到它的眼睛和哈利的眼睛水平。The snake suddenly opened its beady eyes. Slowly, very slowly, it raised its head until its eyes were on a level with Harry's.

有那么一会儿,想到了狐狸的尖牙和圆眼,奥蒂斯飞高了一些,但没过多久,他又开始低飞在花丛中了。For a moment, the thought of sharp teeth and beady eyes made Otis fly higher. But before long, he was trying to hover among the flowers again.

比格向前迈了一步,老鼠发出一声长长的尖叫,好像在唱一首挑战之歌。Bigger advanced a step and the rat emitted a long thin song of defiance, its black beady eyes glittering, its tiny forefeet pawing the air restlessly.