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走廊尽头是楼梯。The gallery is terminated by a staircase.

他发呆地望了一望大理石铺成的楼梯。He looked vaguely up the marble staircase.

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因此我觉得这个楼梯有点不那么让人舒服。Therefore I thought this staircase was creepy.

对于楼梯的光线强度你满不满意?。Do you satisfy the lighting level for staircase?

费利克在中间的楼梯顶层。Feliks is on the middle staircase and the top floor.

她正坐在最下面一磴楼梯上。She was sitting on the bottom step of the staircase.

楼梯间的灯已经改成双控。The staircase has been changed to double control lamp.

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楼梯间和通往二楼的是白色木门。The staircase leads to the two floor and white wooden.

一路上我们看到了许多小瀑布。A lot of staircase need to climb to see the Puteri Fall.

他找到了那主要的台阶,沿着它向下到最底层。He found the main staircase and descended to ground level.

塞拉斯几乎一丝不挂,他拖着苍白的身子拾阶而下。Almost naked, Silas hurled his pale body down the staircase.

Toyabe博士把这个系统比作在螺旋梯上的皮球。Dr Toyabe likens the system to a ball on a spiral staircase.

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当我在注意坠物的时候,我从楼梯间摔了下来。While I was watching out for debris, I fell down a staircase.

不同甲班之间还有电梯和楼梯,方便客人的出行。There's a lift as well as staircase to take you in between them.

最高一级阶梯是青藏高原,平均海拔4000米以上,号称?The top of this four-step "staircase" is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

如果你进去,会有一个旋转阶梯通向顶端。If you go inside, there's spiral staircase that goes all the way up.

既然此楼梯间卮雒黑暗,我们必须感觉闩逶小心地。Since this staircase is rather dark, we must feel our way carefully.

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支撑吧台的是我们的螺旋楼梯上用剩下的支撑轴。The bar is held up by some spare spindles from our spiral staircase.

西班牙巴塞罗那一处教堂楼梯的设计灵感就来自于菊石。Ammonites also inspired this cathedral staircase in Barcelona, Spain.

1921年,协会捐赠了楼梯,连接技术塔和DP专家楼。In 1921, the society donated a staircase connecting Tech Tower to the D.