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保持其简短。Keep them short.

这个盒子很矮。This box is short.

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咱不差钱。Not short of money.

我还少十块钱。I'm short ten bucks.

它的根是短的。Its roots are short.

还有简短的讲述。and short narrative.

我的妈妈很矮。My mom is very short.

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我们爱穿超短裤!We wear short shorts!

亨利的短片小说集。Henry's short stories.

请求再试做一个穿云。Make a short approach.

为什么这段情如此短暂?Why the love so short?

一对猎鹰的短翅!A falcon’s short wings!

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他身材矮小。He is short in stature.

我个子不高不矮。I'm not tall not short.

她把头发剪短了。She cut her hair short.

你呼吸有气短现象吗?Are you short of breath?

把它们都剪短吧!Cut it short everywhere!

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我想把它长话短说吧。I want to make it short.

保持简短和亲切。Keep it short and sweet.

佩尼先生并不缺少主意。He is not short of ideas.