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我在新闻片里看到你站在总裁的身旁。What do you think of the newsreel?

一部可爱的老新闻片报道了这场活动。A lovely vintage newsreel reported on the campaign.

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我在新闻片里看到你站在总裁的身旁。I saw you stand beside the president in the newsreel.

我到电影院时,新闻片差不多演完了。The newsreel almost finished when I got to the cinema.

我们在新闻片里看见你站在总裁的身旁。We saw you stand beside the president in the newsreel.

往事像新闻影片一样闪过他的头脑。Memories flashed through his mind like an old newsreel.

电影还利用了新闻片片段和街头采访的表现手法。The film also made use of newsreel footage and vox pop.

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我到电影院时,新闻片差不多演完了。The newsreel had almost finished when I got to the cinema.

我到电影院的时候新闻片几乎要演完了。The newsreel had almost finished when I went to the cinema.

我到达电影院时,新闻影片已经快要结束了。When I got to the cinema, the newsreel had almost finished.

你想看英国广播公司档案资料的一部旧新闻纪录片吗?Would you like to see an old newsreel from the BBC archives?

新闻摄影记者也在那儿,给纠察队拍照。The newsreel people were there, taking pictures of the picket.

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那时的电影有故事片、卡通片、系列影片和新闻纪录片。Back then, you got a feature film, a cartoon, a serial, and a newsreel.

老张的事迹甚至还上了北京电视台的纪录片。Laozhang's achievement is returned even went up the newsreel of Beijing TV station.

她从头到脚都在发烧。新闻短片一开头就是战俘的画面。She was burning hot from head to foot. The prisoners of war scene opened the newsreel.

教育性、新闻性录像带,宽度超过4毫米,但未超过6.5毫米者。Educational or newsreel of video tapes, of a width exceeding 4 mm but not exceeding 6.5 mm.

一部新闻影片称之为华盛顿地区自1865年以来最大规模的战斗部队集中行动。A newsreel called it the greatest concentration of fighting troops in Washington since 1865.

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教育性、新闻性录音带,宽度超过4毫米,但未超过6.5毫米者。Educational or newsreel of audio tapes, of a width exceeding 4 mm, but not exceeding 6.5 mm.

一次坐在他们旁边的两个懒人让他们耽搁了一会儿,新闻短片开始了。Once two indolent people in the seats next to theirs delayed them, and the newsreel started.

她前一天晚上做的就是试图重新找到那部电影,那部战争新闻短片,她在里面看到过她的儿子杰里。What she had done was to try and find the film again, the war newsreel in which she had seen Jerry, her son.