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你得的是消化不良。You've got indigestion.

肚子痛不痛、胀不胀?Stomach pain or indigestion?

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这孩子有积了。The child is suffering from indigestion.

心是一种形式的消化不良。Gord . Heartburn is a form of indigestion.

只是治愈消化不良远远不够。Just getting rid of indigestion is not sufficient.

因此我们得先治好消化不良。So yes,we first need to get rid of the indigestion.

为痰饮、湿浊、食滞等。For edema diseases, wet muddy, indigestion and so on.

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吗丁啉,几乎就是消化不良药中的可口可乐。Motilium, almost indigestion medicine in the Coca-Cola.

我感觉到我肚子里有明显的消化不良症候。I feel within me the manifest prognostics of indigestion.

不适当的食物组合导致的共同结果是消化不良。Indigestion is a common result of improper food combining.

我今天晚上吃多了,消化不良。I overate at the party last night and got violent indigestion.

爱情有时候会被误认为消化不良或煤气中毒。Love also can be confused with feelings of indigestion and gas.

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华尔街的“字母汤”是否让你产生了“投资性”食积?。has wall street's alphabet soup given you investing indigestion?

你是否常有消化不良的烦恼?若如此,有何原因?。Do you suffer frequently with indigestion?If so, what is the cause?

肥腻的东西吃得不少,他有点消化不良。Having had too much rich food recently, he suffers from indigestion.

上周我去参加了一个晚宴,结果害得我消化不良。L ast week, I went to a dinner party that gave me a bout of indigestion.

疳积病是上帝派来教育胃的。Indigestion is charged by the good God with preaching morality to stomachs.

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薄荷油是一个著名的医治心脏病烧伤和消化不良。Peppermint oil is one of the well known cures for heart burn and indigestion.

长期消化不良者,加刺下脘、胃俞、脾俞。Long-term indigestion person, add Yu of the Wan below thorn, stomach, lienal Yu.

总结史正刚教授治疗小儿积滞的经验。Summarized professor Shi Zhenggang's experience on treating children indigestion.