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那天我走过了威尼西亚平原。That day i crossed the venetian plain.

威尼斯一家商店的墙上挂满了面具。Masks hang on the walls of a Venetian shop.

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它一直是居住在泻湖上的威尼斯人代步的工具。It has been living in the Venetian lagoon on the car.

在开车回威尼斯人酒店,我们来到这个。While driving back to Venetian Hotel we came upon this.

威尼斯商人于1615年首次把咖啡带回欧洲。Venetian traders first brought coffee to Europe in 1615.

购物中心于1999年与威尼斯人酒店一同开业。The mall was opened along with the Venetian Hotel in 1999.

实际上这源于一个经典威尼斯菜谱。It is actually a domestication of a classic Venetian recipe.

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天窗,通风窗,老虎窗,百叶窗,软百叶窗。Skylight, clearstory, dormant window, louver, venetian blinds.

威尼斯人都盲眼了,后来的瞎子也都是因威尼斯人得名,记得吗?The Venetian were blind. They named blinds after them, remember?

每面帆都像百叶窗那样,一拉就能张帆或收帆。Each sail can be spread or closed at a pull, like a venetian blind.

金沙想在这里建设全球最大的赌场澳门威尼斯人。It built the largest casino in the world there, the Venetian Macau.

贝里尼,乔尔乔内,提香及文艺复兴时代威尼斯绘画Bellini, Giorgione, Titian, and the Renaissance of Venetian Painting

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天窗,通风窗,老虎窗,百叶窗,软百叶窗。Skylight, clearstory, dormant window, louver, venetian window blinds.

当地的新婚夫妇乘坐刚朵拉荡漾在幸福的大运河上。Adrift in bliss, Venetian newlyweds ride a gondola down the Grand Canal.

第三幕威尼斯交际花茱莉叶塔与尼克劳斯一起唱著船歌。Act III The Venetian courtesan Giulietta joins Nicklausse in a barcarole.

外用酒精用来清洁软百叶窗的条板,效果奇佳。Rubbing alcohol does a terrific job of cleaning the slats of venetian blinds.

从里亚托桥上,我看到了威尼斯的夜生活所呈现出的活力。From the Rialto Bridge, I watch the activity of the Venetian nightlife unfold.

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在1378年至1381年战争中,热那亚被迫承认威尼斯人优势。In the war of 1378-1381, Genoa was compelled to acknowledge Venetian supremacy.

在这些发展包括威尼斯人,曼德勒海湾和巴黎拉斯维加斯。Among these developments include The Venetian , Mandalay Bay , and Paris Las Vegas.

威尼斯人在澳门开设的饭店设了870个赌台和3400台老虎机。The Venetian Hotel in Macau alone has some 870 gaming tables and 3,400 slot machines.