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变应原浸液内含18种常见吸入性过敏原。There were 18 inhalational allergens in allergen steep.

吸入麻醉中BIS监测可减少吸入麻醉药用量,但肌松药用量增加。BIS monitoring increased the amount of muscle relaxants used during inhalational anesthesia.

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目的总结高海拔地区烧伤合并吸入性损伤的治疗经验。Objective To summarize the experiences in burn accompanied by inhalational damage at high altitudes.

分不同季节采集分析北京市城乡结合部的大气可吸入颗粒物。The inhalational particles from the urban area in Beijing were collected during the spring, summer, autumn and winter.

气管插管加静吸复合麻醉明显优于单纯静脉麻醉。DISCUSSION Tracheal intubation plus combined intravenous inhalational anesthesia is better than simple intravenous anesthesia.

①目的瞭解青岛地区支气管哮喘儿童常见吸入性和食物性变应原的情况。Objective To investigate the common inhalational allergens and alimentary allergens in children with bronchial asthma in Qingdao area.

结论枣庄市诱发儿童哮喘的主要吸入性变应原是室内尘土和螨。Conclusion The inhalational allergens that cause childhood bronchial asthma in Zaozhuang area are mainly house dirt and dermatophagoides.

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它可感染动物和人引起皮肤炭疽、肺炭疽和肠炭疽等。It is the causative agent of the disease anthrax of human and herbivores, including cutaneous, gastrointestinal and inhalational anthrax.

利用基因敲除动物模型进一步证实了双孔钾通道是吸入麻醉药作用的新靶点。It is further verified that some subunits of K2P channels are targets of inhalational anesthetics action in the gene knockout animal models.

七氟烷是一种新型的吸入麻醉药,因其独特的药理特性广泛用于临床。Sevoflurane is a new inhalational anesthetic, which has been widespread used in general anesthesia due to its unique pharmacokinetic profile.

因此,对人体上呼吸道内流场及可吸入颗粒物运动沉降规律的研究具有十分重要的意义。Therefore, it is with great necessity to study flow field of human upper respiratory tract and deposition characteristic of inhalational particle.

吸入麻醉药作用于神经系统双孔钾通道部分亚型的某些位点,使该通道开放,而产生超极化电流。Ionically, Inhalational anesthetics could act on some sites of subunits of K2P channels and then open the channels and generate hyperpolarization current.

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如果在吸入诱导中气道梗阻,与气氟烷相比氟烷诱导的患者苏醒的更快。Halothane may therefore lead to more rapid awakening, compared with sevoflurane, should the airway obstruct during an inhalational induction of anesthesia.

明确用于扁桃体摘除术的麻醉方法,对比单纯静脉麻醉方法与气管插管加静吸复合麻醉方法。BACKGROUND Simple intravenous anesthesia and tracheal intubation plus combined intravenous inhalational anesthesia were adapted and compared on of tonsillectomy.

研究结果表明,呼吸强度、颗粒粒径以及颗粒密度是影响可吸入颗粒物沉积的关键因素。The result shows that breathing intensity, particle diameter and particle density are the three key factors influencing the deposition of inhalational particles.