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他的工作经不起细察。His work won't bear scrutiny.

世卫组织经得起这一审查。WHO can withstand this scrutiny.

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他的理论经不起周密的审察。His theory wouldn't bear scrutiny.

其研究过程受到了严格的审查There was great scrutiny over the process.

但目前的政策是避开一切调查。But its policy has been to avoid all scrutiny.

还将仔细研究畜牧业。Animal husbandry will also come under scrutiny.

钻石通过了珠宝商的仔细检查。The diamond passed the scrutiny of the jeweler.

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这意味着高盛公司正因其它事情受到详细审查。That suggests that something else is under scrutiny.

她的生活一直处于狗仔队的镜头下。Her life is under constant scrutiny by the paparazzi.

博里索夫选择了商业上的老朋友引起了审查。Mr Borisov’s choice of business pals arouses scrutiny.

纵然它们受到了媒体和公众更多的监督。Though they receive much more media and public scrutiny.

到目前为止,普拉拉德先生似乎经受住了审查。So far, Mr Prahlad appears to be standing up to scrutiny.

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外国援助计划经常受到仔细审查与分析。Foreign-aid programs face constant scrutiny and analysis.

当走在人群中的时候,人们会注意我们的一举一动。When walking in a crowd, one is under scrutiny all the time.

一个部长的各种行为都会受到报界仔细的审察。A minister's actions come under minute scrutiny in the press.

证明学校质量的责任,在于接受鉴定的大学本身。The burden of proof is on the university undergoing scrutiny.

如今摆脱了竞选的压力,小保罗说他欢迎媒体的问诘。Free from campaignpressures, Paul said he welcomes the scrutiny.

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银行家的薪酬一直受到满怀妒意的关注。Bankers' compensation have always been the subject of envious scrutiny.

限制对敏感事件追根问底的举措在中国并不罕见。Efforts to limit scrutiny of embarrassing events isn't unusual in China.

人权理事会对每个联合国成员国每四年会评估一次。Once every four years the council subjects each U.N. member to scrutiny.