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当人们形容那些善于拍马屁的人时,这些都是温和的贬义词。These are all terms of mild opprobrium when directed at the flatterer.

他招致的轻蔑和敌意是由于他出言过于粗率而造成的。The opprobrium and enmity he incurred were caused by his outspoken brashness.

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另外一些人则认为,总理正在把他推到前台承受口水。Others think the prime minister is pushing him forward to take the opprobrium.

世界各国的指责是对付中国最有用的胡萝卜加大棒。The opprobrium of the world is the biggest carrot and stick to use with China.

这家公司与那些保证其产品功效的科学家们被公众所不齿。The company and the scientists who vouched for its products earned widespread public opprobrium.

听听那些对将钱存于破产爱尔兰银行英国地方议会的咒骂吧。think of the opprobrium that affected British local councils that held money in failed Icelandic banks.

尤其是同性恋,所谓的索多玛之罪已经在很多个世纪里成为了恶意宗教咒骂的目标。Homosexuality in particular, the so-called Sin of Sodom, has over many centuries been the target of virulent religious opprobrium.

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渔业署的一位官员称日本愿意减少捕鲸数量,前提是国际社会不再对其捕鲸行为进行责难。An official at the Fisheries Agency says that the country is willing to hunt fewer whales provided it can do so without international opprobrium.

现在南澳大利亚州政府可以继续执行荒唐的RET政策,让新加坡所有者为高价格遭受骂名。The beauty of this is that the SA government can now continue with it's ridiculous RETs and the Singapore owners cop all the opprobrium for the high prices.

人们太容易轻信他们罪有应得,即便其中有些人创造工作岗位,发明东西,让我们的生活更轻松。It’s too easy to believe that they deserve the opprobrium that’s thrown at them, even if some of them create jobs and invent things to make our lives easier.

在全球贸易体系下,当一名自由的小兵是一回事,当一名强手并成为贸易对手的众矢之的是另外一回事。It is one thing to be a small free rider on the global trading system, another to be a heavy rider and be the object of widespread opprobrium from all its trading partners.

考虑到国际上的千夫所指,穆斯林兄弟会总部的低调甚至破旧就很好理解。Given the international opprobrium that its name often inspires, perhaps it's not surprising that the brotherhood prefers a low-key, almost shabby feel for its headquarters.

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即便罗斯福轻蔑地将自己的恶名如桂冠一般戴在头上,自豪地称自己为“清洁工”,但这位总统还是指出了一个严肃而持久的重点。Even though the objects of Roosevelt's scorn wore his opprobrium as a laurel wreath, proudly calling themselves “muckrakers,” the president had made a serious, lasting point.

第二,德黑兰在国际上已经臭名昭著,这都是拜政府对外交关系杂乱无章的管理所赐。Second, the mounting international opprobrium directed at Tehran has created a sense that the regime’s mismanagement of foreign relations is an embarrassment and harmful to Iran’s interests.

如果人类免疫系统对新疫苗的反应机制就像鼠科动物那样的话,药物成瘾的人获得的是疫苗而非外界辱骂的这一天的来临就更近了。And if human immune systems react in the same way to the new vaccines as murine ones do, the day when a drug addict might be offered vaccination rather than opprobrium will have come a little closer.