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对于较敏感的颜色能很好地克服色花和层差。For more sensitive colour can overcome lubricious flowers and layer.

餐厅里,红棕色的餐桌,有利于增进食欲。In dining-room, gong Zong's lubricious table, be helpful for stomachic.

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就餐照明用明亮的白炽灯,色感比较柔和。Repast illume uses bright incandescent lamp, lubricious feeling is downier.

在色环中邻近的一些颜色,我们就把它们叫做类似色。In the adjacent a few color in lubricious annulus , we call them similar color.

戴黑色隐型眼镜好看呢还是棕色的好看?。Is Dai Hei lubricious concealed glasses good-looking brown still good-looking ?

这种假故障其实是一种偏色现象。This kind of false breakdown is one kind slants actually lubricious phenomenon.

脑脊液及硬膜囊均表现为低信号强度,呈黑色。Cerebrospinal fluid and putamen bursa all are behaved for low signal intensity, darkly is lubricious.

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色的变化用千变万化来形容也只能表述其万一,它是没有穷尽的。Lubricious change is used Protean will describe also can state its only in case, it does not have end.

东北菜以炖、酱、烤为主要特点,形糙色重味浓。With composed, baked, sauce, stew for main characteristics, form lubricious heavy flavour thick rough.

它和我们的关系如此密切,但我们也容易忽略了它,反而全神贯注于虚幻的色身。It and our relationship so close, but we also easy to ignore it, instead concentrate on unreal lubricious body.

理论与实践相连络才能达到真真正正意义的色喷鼻味形器。Theory and the lubricious fragrance form that practice combines to just can achieve real significance implement.

金属色色彩炫目、光泽度很好,但不太容易被日常生活接受。Eye of dazzle of metallic lubricious colour, glossiness is very good, but be lived not quite easily to accept daily.

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早熟、柔软的体格和小麦色的健康的皮肤是令人印象深刻的女孩子。The skin of early, soft constitution and the health with lubricious wheat is the girl that makes a person impressive.

有人发现,此类患者面部常发生黄褐斑及其他色紊沉著。Somebody discovers this kind of patient is facial often produce huang heban etc lubricious confused is ad cool-headed.

卫生间的色调对比很明快,暗色马赛克满铺,统一的白色洁具。The tonal contrast of toilet is very lively, dark lubricious mosaic is spread completely, unified white clean is provided.

大红色唇膏轻易使人显得更为成熟甚至老气,所以要慎用。It is more mature that bright red lubricious lipstick makes the person appears easily even old mannish , want so careful with.

和适量的色粉,配以适量立德粉、滑石粉等填充料调和而成。With right amount lubricious pink, deserve to mediate and be become with the inserts such as right amount lithopone , French chalk.

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茶糖的品质主要决定于茶提取液的浓度。色香味和茶与糖的比例。The scale of the chroma that the character of tea candy basically decides to draw liquid at tea , lubricious fragrance and tea and candy.

涂料厂虽然提供了色卡,但面积很小与真正粉刷起来的房间效果可能会有差距。Although paint factory offered lubricious card, but the area is very small the room effect that rises with true stucco may have difference.

在衬色方面,咖啡色与印度红的搭配,能够搭配出淳朴而热烈的印度风格,是设计师极力推荐的。In line lubricious respect, coffee and India match redly , can match a honest and enthusiastic India style, stylist is recommended to the utmost.