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这就是为什么下挥杆的时候根可以那么快速的外展他的髋关节。That's why his hips unwound so fast on the downswing.

一名球员球杆的杆身在下挥杆的时候折断了。The shaft of a players club broke during his downswing.

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虽然打得有些薄了,但是下杆的路径好多了。Not just a little bit thin, but that was better as far as the downswing of the club.

做到这一点之后,接下来下杆时,应该继续保持好挥杆的宽度。Ok. If you can do that, then we'll gonna continue to keep your width on the downswing.

正如一名右手球员在下杆时会就将重心转移到左侧。For a right-handed golfer, we transfer our weight forward to our left foot during the downswing.

我建议大部份的学生使用这个练习来帮助学习下杆的动作。An exercise I recommend to my students to help them ingrain the proper downswing motion is called the 'Pump Drill'.

随着重量的转移,上半身也全部转动,你已经为反向动作作好准备,进行下杆。With the weight back and your upper body fully coiled, you're ready to reverse those actions and start the downswing.

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这种情况下,很多亚洲国家面临着不良贷款的膨胀和经济增长的下滑形成恶性循环的风险。Many regional countries are facing the risk of vicious loop of a rise in non-performing loans and a downswing in the growth cycle.

当你要尝试这个挥杆秘诀的时候,记住用右膝移向左侧及移向球位来规范你的下挥杆。When you attempt a swing using the Secret, key the downswing by pushing your right knee inward both to the left and toward the ball.

铝价在减产消息公布后先是应声上涨,但很快又重拾跌势,因后续不少消息暗示,需求可能到2010年才开始恢复.Aluminum prices firmed initially on the news, but resumed their downswing when a slew of subsequent news suggested that demand recovery likely would stretch into 2010.

随着世界范围内的需求量下跌,商品将更加低廉,有助于当地企业削减成本,从而将更多商品用于供应本地市场。Cheaper commodity prices due to a perceived downswing in worldwide demand will help local businesses cut costs, allowing them to offer more of their products to the local population.