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那个开卡车的保罗·班扬是什么人?Who is this Paul Bunyan with the truck?

保罗是个巨人,他只须迈一小步就能跨过三条街。According to legend, Paul Bunyan was a giant.

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保罗·班扬是美国传说中的英雄。Paul Bunyan was a hero in American folk tales.

我记得学校有保罗·班扬日。At school I remember having maybe a Paul Bunyan day.

英国民谣歌手瓦实提布尼安书面,并于1966年录制的。Written by British folk singer Vashti Bunyan and recorded in 1966.

第一次来中国时,他看上去像极了刮了胡子、打了类固醇的保罗?班杨。When he first came to China he looked like a shaved Paul Bunyan on steroids.

哈佛大学校长似乎不知道有莎士比亚和本·琼生其人,更使人惊奇的是,布尼安也不知道。The president of Harvard seems not to have known of shakespeare and Ben Jonson, or-more surprisingly-of Bunyan.

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哈佛大学校长似乎不知道有莎士比亚和本?琼生其人,更使人惊奇的是,布尼安也不知道。The president of Harvard seems not to have known of Shakespeare and Ben Johnson, or-more surprisingly-of Bunyan.

整合理论可以解释班扬用来调整传统旅程隐喻的双畴整合。Blending Theory can explain the double-scope blending realized by Bunyan to adapt the source domain of JOURNEY metaphor.

韦斯特伍德是加利福尼亚州北部一个风景如画的山区伐木小镇,它的保罗·班扬山与布鲁斯节吸引了众多的观众。Westwood, a picturesque mountain logging town in northern California, draws big crowds to its Paul Bunyan Mountain &Blues Festival.

第一,班扬倾向于通过人类经验中的具体领域,尤其是具体意象,来表现抽象事物。First, Bunyan tends to conceptualize abstractions in terms of concrete areas of human experiences, especially of physical imageries.

通过对基督徒的原型分析,作者强调了基督徒为实现救赎在奔走天路过程中所表现的坚忍精神。By the analysis of archetypal Job, we can see Bunyan intensifies Christian's persevering and steadfast spirit for realizing his salvation.

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精神朝圣被描述为具体的旅程,并且班扬通过隐喻扩展和双畴整合调整了传统的旅程隐喻。The spiritual pilgrimage is conceptualized in terms of concrete journey, and Bunyan has adapted the conventional JOURNEY metaphor through extending and double-blending.

孩子们还抄下了简化后的故事,本周末要求每个学生把抄写下的故事带回家重新抄写两遍并复习生词和问题,为周一的周测做好准备。They also write down my simplified version of the story. Weekend homework is to review the Paul Bunyan story for the quiz on Monday, and write the simplified story twice.