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QF3为检修电源开关。QF3 is overhaul power switch.

这台发动机需要检修。This engine needs an overhaul.

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给你的网站一次真正的改革。Give your website a real overhaul.

解体检修主机调速器。Overhaul the main engine governor.

那的确需要革新技术。It did need to overhaul techniques.

电邮软件需要大改。 needs major overhaul.

他有可能会超过你。It's possible that he could overhaul you.

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这台老电脑需要一次大修。Surely this old computer needs an overhaul.

该国正计划对全国公路进行大规模的检修。The country is planning a major overhaul of its highways.

当目标已经偏离或需要小改,甚至大修?When it's off target or needs tweaking or even an overhaul?

地基标高与检修道路路面持平。Foundation elevation shall be leveled with overhaul road surface.

现在科学家对这身体图像有了进一步的认识。Now scientists have taken this body-image overhaul a step further.

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本公司提供大修缧杆式压缩机之服务。Our company are provide screw type compressor of overhaul service.

管理大师对于快餐业巨头的一次整军经武。A management guru leads an overhaul of some iconic fast-food chains

不要期望在一天内能够分解所有的事,从而有一个简单的生活。Don't expect to overhaul everything in one day and have a simple life.

现在,官方正打算给这个城市的老化水管做一个彻底的检查。Now authorities are planning an overhaul of the city's aging water pipes.

不要妄想在一天内改善你的饮食习惯、锻炼方式或者思考模式。Don't expect to overhaul your diet, exercise or thinking patterns in a day.

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上个月,百事公司决定对纯果乐的包装进行一次彻底的改变。Last month, PepsiCo introduced a major overhaul of the Tropicana packaging.

政府本周发誓整顿中国“混乱”的奶业。The government vowed this week to overhaul China's "chaotic" dairy industry.

但法国经济不需要完整的检修。Contrary to caricature, the French economy does not need a complete overhaul.